
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 7, 2015


Let us tell the Americans what you said, “You have the power, but I have Allah!” and then watch America whack the Muslims good and proper and send them back to the year 600 with their military power.
Raja Petra Kamarudin
Mufti looks to divine power to save Malaysia
(Sin Chew) – Mufti of Perlis Datuk Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin posted on his Facebook site to lend his support to the MACC.
The post has since received tremendous response from the public, with over 50,000 likes within the first 20 hours.
Asri wrote, “May Allah be on the side of justice and truth. Let’s pray together to weed out the evil. Save the country, Allah!” he concluded.
He also uploaded a picture of MACC officers summoned by the police for questioning over the 1MDB issue.
On the picture he wrote: “You have the power, but I have Allah!”
My dear Mufti, I am quite amused by your latest stunt of pushing the entire mess that Malaysia is facing into the hands of Allah. For 1,400 years the Muslim world has been in a mess and each and every time Muslims turn to Allah but I have never seen Allah step in to help out. If at all, the problem actually gets worse rather than better.
Anyway, Muslims are taught that absolutely nothing happens without the will of Allah. In that case, in the first place, is not the mess the entire Muslim world is facing, Malaysia included — if Malaysia can be regarded as a Muslim country and part of the Muslim world — due to Allah?
In short, is Allah not the problem rather than the solution? I know you are going to say that what I am saying is heresy or blasphemous. But then we need to decide whether whatever happens can only happen with the will of Allah or whether man can do something against the will of Allah.
I doubt that leaving it to Allah to solve the problem or praying to Allah to intervene can solve our problems. I mean, can I pray to Allah and leave it in the hands of Allah to save me and then jump off the Penang Bridge and survive?
The Arabs say first you must tie your camel and then you pray to Allah to give your camel a long life. So this means you need to act before turning to Allah because, as the Christians say, the Lord only helps those who help themselves.
I find that the Muslims tend to be very hypocritical when it comes to Islam. They say one thing but they do the opposite. And a number of Muftis fall within this group of hypocrites.
They say Malaysia is a Muslim country. Even Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad said the same thing. But then Malaysia must not implement Islamic laws such as Hudud because those types of laws are not appropriate for a multi-cultural country like Malaysia.
So which is it, dear Mufti? Is Malaysia a Muslim country or is it a multi-cultural country? We want to be both but we end being none of the above. If Malaysia is not a Muslim country and that is why we cannot implement Hudud then what the hell are we doing arresting Muslims who drink, engage in sex outside marriage, and so on, and why can’t Muslims leave Islam?
Please lah, dear Mufti. Can we stop all this hypocrisy? As I said many years ago, and which got me detained by the government, Muslims and not the Jews and Christians are the greatest enemy of Islam. Muslims are an embarrassment to Islam that here in the UK I am ashamed to admit that I am Muslim. It makes me a second-class human being.
Can Muslims try to make us proud of Islam? Maybe that is why Allah does not help us Muslims. Maybe Allah, too, is ashamed of Muslims and wants nothing to do with us. Is there any point, therefore, in praying to Allah who has already abandoned us?
Let us tell the Americans what you said, “You have the power, but I have Allah!” and then watch America whack the Muslims good and proper and send them back to the year 600 with their military power.

1 comment:


    Just to share this...

    Why is Allah NOT HELPING the MUSLIMS - Tim Humble - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7H-gZcS37ms

    You be the judge.


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