
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Yes, Malays shall lead but let them be clean

YOURSAY ‘We don’t support any leaders who steal the country’s wealth.’
Asitis: We do not mind Malays dominating the government as long as they are competent and excel in the field of governance.
But the reality is that Umno Malays are incompetent and mediocre, and their leadership of the government is driving the country more and more backwards with each passing year.
Yes, we don't mind Malays dominating the government, but maybe it is time for a more competent group of Malays to take over the government (through election of course).
If you want a position you must be competent enough to carry out the functions and shoulder the responsibilities that come with the position.
If your only qualification to fill a position is entitlement by race, the country will suffer in the long run. And the fault will be on you.
Anonymous 350791436750385: Everything to Umno is race. In any case, there has never been much doubt about Malays and their political dominance in Malaysia. There is no way the country can be otherwise given that the Malays are obsessed with race and they clearly are in the majority.
So don't bring in your paranoia and irrelevant issues here. What we, the people of Malaysia, do not want is to be subjugates of Arab nations which seem to be buying their way in through PM Najib Razak and his band of ‘thieves’.
If they paid RM2.6 billion to Najib, they are going to exact more in return from the people of Malaysia. The way it looks the PM is willing to sell everything that is within his grasp and that is quite a lot given that he holds absolute power in Malaysia.
This is high treason. Malaysians deserve better. We are a sovereign nation and not an appendage of the Arab nations. We do not want corrupted leaders who pawn the country and run it to the ground to feed their own selfish interest.
Negarawan: The Umno Baru of today is diametrically different from the Umno founded by our country's forefather, Tunku Abdul Rahman.
The ideals of Tunku for a racially-united country with a democratic government of high integrity have been destroyed by Umno Baru to the point where the Malaysian government is now being regarded as a rogue government in international circles.
How much worse can this get?
Wsoi: We don’t support any leaders who rob and steal the country’s wealth and our children’s future earnings.
Poor and under-privileged Malays must be protected, not the rich and greedy. BN has been given the opportunity to deliver the goods but it instead delivered us debts.
Speaking Sense: Why raise a subject that is not an issue unless this minister has mischievous intentions?
And Education Miníster Mahdzir Khalid, you’re wrong - Malaya might have been formed by Umno, MCA and MIC, but not Malaysia. There was and is no Umno, MCA or MIC in Sarawak.
Malaysia was formed on the basis of equality for all ethnic groups in Malaya, Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore. A minister of education who does not know this is surely uneducated.
Anonymous 109681439536914: This new education minister appears to be a very confused person. Yes, the constitution recognises the special rights of the Malays but it is silent on political power. Did the non-Malays ever question the special rights, sir?
The constitution does not say the political power must stay with the Malays. But there is an easy way out for Umno.
Confine the general elections to the Malays, leave the non-Malays out, take away their right to vote as citizens and the right of non-Malays from standing for elections. Ban parties like MCA, MIC, DAP and others from contesting.
Onyourtoes: No Mahdzir, you are wrong, Umno is not being tested. Umno has become defunct and dysfunctional because it has leaders like you who only know how to blame others but never look at themselves.
It is amazing how a cabinet post could suddenly turn a nincompoop into a sage. Take note; a nincompoop is a nincompoop, period. A cabinet position can’t change that, even if yours is another divinely-sanctioned appointment.
Sleepy: This party is showing how irrelevant it is becoming. The issue was never about race, power and politics but rather on corruption, accountability and economy.
Swipenter: Umno is playing the race card to the hilt. The special privileges are not infinite in the first place.
Anyway when the Malay population is 90 percent, which is not too far away given the large families and the influx of selected and preferred migrants, special privileges has no meaning.
If by any fat chance, the 10 percent of the population can support the special privileges of the 90 percent, then the former is truly remarkable and cannot be anything but god's gift to the latter.
Hopeful123: Non-Malays certainly don't mind a Malay leading the country as long as he is qualified, honest, sincere, capable and non-racist. We have a lot of them in the opposition parties and in many other areas. It’s not necessary they must be from Umno.
Existential Turd: Indeed, most non-Malays don't care if their leaders are Malays or not, just as long as they are clean, honest and efficacious.
Unfortunately, many Malays don't care if their leaders are clean, honest and efficacious, just as long as they are Malays.
Basket Case: There is no point having power if you abuse it, steal public money and mismanage the country.
And there is no point having power if you exclude other races who have the talent to help take the country from the bottom to the top. -Mkini

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