
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 23, 2015


The Home Minister of Malaysia has shocked all right-minded citizens by declaring that some Arab determined to see Umno remain in power has given hard cash to the tune of billions of ringgit.
In declaring so, the Home Minister has conclusively established that the Arabs are the ones who are now determining the fate and future of the Malays in their own sovereign land.
The Malays within and outside of the Umno political party must now search their conscience and ask if they will allow a foreign ‘donor’ to determine who and how this sovereign nation should be governed.
Umno’s argument that further raises eyebrows is its claim that the DAP is being funded by the Jews.
Well, two questions need to be answered with urgency.
One, if the government of the day claims that Jews are funding the opposition political party, then why did they not summon the institutions of power at their disposal to haul the opposition up and expose the truth?
Two, if what the opposition is alleged to do is not right, why did the Umno bloc too fall into that same gulley of letting a foreign power (or ‘donor’ as it is being peddled now) to determine the political future of this independent, sovereign nation?
Where is our maruah? Have we all sold our souls to the devil? Has a money and political survival at all cost be the only principles that matters now?
Malaysians must rise and stand tall and firm to defend their nation, people and Rulers. They must take the Umno government to task for committing two grave acts that hinge on the scale of treason against nation, people and Rulers.
The Umno of Najib has betrayed the Malays of this land. Let us face the reality. Umno has only three million members. But the country has a Malay population that is sixty-percent of thirty million people who are also not Umno members.
Will the eighteen million Malays in this land willingly allow the Umno of Najib to get an Arab to decide who should be in power to lead the nation into the distant future?
Do the Malays not want to be the masters of their own future in their own land and all achieved with their own money and not some stranger-donor?
Meanwhile, it is incumbent upon the opposition political party being implicated to come up front and reveal the whole truth about this seeming story about Jews funding their agenda.
All Malaysians – irrespective of race and religion, must stand united on this principal of independence and sovereign nation status. We are not a pariah beggar nation that is slumped in national poverty and famished to a scale that it needs billion-ringgit funding from outside sources for political mileage and gain.
Our oil and crop revenues coupled with the healthy manufactured export earnings and the citizens own disposable incomes and tax payouts is all that needs to be managed well and transparently to keep a healthy, maturing of political party growth in the nation.
To seek individuals or group ‘donors’ outside of the country in order to fight a political party agenda is treason to the nation.
Hopefully, all those who truly care enough for the country and have the professional standing or leader-status will join hands with concerned citizens who have their voices channeled through civil society leaders, to address this very grave and dangerous claims being made by the Home Minister of Malaysia.
We must think beyond the narrow alleys of political party agendas in the wake of this horrendous revealation by Malaysia's number two leader.
We must be a one-nation of people. We must act decisively. And we must act fast. No one has the authority or right to pawn this nation using foreign donors.
The Home Minister must be taken to task. Silence is not an option. And his boss must address the nation. - MAILBAG

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