
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, August 23, 2015

Zahid Hamidi should not have met 'alleged donors'- 'interference with on-going investigation'?

There are on-going investigations with regard the RM2.6billion received by Najib Tun Razak in bank accounts in his name...Most of the bodies conducting the investigations are under the Home Ministry - and now the Minister went and spoke to people who allegedly paid Najib RM2.6 billion >> Why did he do this? It is not proper... 

Home Minister and DPM Zahid Hamidi, Malaysians want to believe you....BUT

...our own 'bersih,cekap,amanah' (clean, efficient, trustworthy) also is now in doubt. The allegation surrounding the allegation concerning your brother's company and the 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers affair? That certainly needs to be clarified.

... your  "Over the dead bodies of Umno members"comments is also not helping. Is that a threat of violence? - Remember, Malaysia is parliamentary democracy and we are guided by our Federal Constitution. Violence and 'dead bodies' have no place in this country..

Now, you come about saying the RM2 billion plus (which was reported in the media), after so much time has elapsed and things have happened. 

Anyway, it is best that it is Prime Minister, the recipient of the money in his personal bank account/s, himself that must be telling us the truth...and let also the 'alleged donor' be named, and come out to say what the money was for, and who was the real intended beneficiaries...? Or was it really just simply a 'bribe'?

Now, let us consider what Zahid was saying(as reported), and questions that may arise. These are merely my opinions:-

Was the money really for Malaysia...for all of us Malaysians?Was it generally for Malaysia or maybe for a specific purpose, "counter-terrorism' efforts.
"When I asked them why they donated US$700 million to Malaysia, they said, 'Malaysia is not the only country we are channeling our money to. There are many more friendly Muslim countries who we are donating to.'
Zahid claimed the donation was made among others as a token of appreciation for Malaysia's purported counter terrorism efforts.
Was the money really for the Barisan Nasional, and if so, do all BN parties deserves the share they deserve, and UMNO certainly cannot keep it all for itself. It is the BN, not UMNO, that is and have been for some time ruling Malaysia? 
"They want Umno and BN to continue ruling the country,"Zahid told delegates at the Sri Gading Umno division annual meeting today.
Is it a 'conspiracy' or an attempt by 'outsiders' to ensure BN continues to rule in Malaysia, and it seems that they are also 'donating to' other 'friendly Muslim countries'. Who are these 'outsiders' or 'Arab family' that is trying to do this? What is their agenda? 
'Malaysia is not the only country we are channelling our money to. There are many more friendly Muslim countries who we are donating to.'

"They want Umno and BN to continue ruling the country," Zahid told delegates at the Sri Gading Umno division annual meeting today.
Now, Zahid met with  the 'chief investment officer and wealth trustee of the Arab family...' - well, it looks like this is a business, does it not? What 'investments'? Now, what has Malaysia done, or promised to do in consideration for these 'donations'... which now seem to be coming from 'investors', based on what Zahid Hamidi said in the news reports? Itcertainly do not look like just an act of pure altruism - with no string attached.

Now, what Zahid tells us also rises the reason behind the 'secrecy', and obvious attempt to maybe hide, deceive, etc... Why not just simply bank into Najib's account - why the attempt to hide...'because the donor did not want there to be a single cheque in Najib's name'. Why was this done? Why the attempts to hide? Was it the 'donor' or was it Najib who wanted to hide this?

"The first US$100 million was in Najib's name. The subsequent transfer went through various transfers because the donor did not want there to be a single cheque in Najib's name," he said.
The problem arises because Najib Tun Razak is not merely an individual BUT a public servant (or public officer), the Prime Minister, the President of UMNO the political party, the President of the Barisan Nasional, etc - so who exactly was the money intended for? Najib, Government of Malaysia, UMNO or Barisan Nasional? Najib's not publicly making full disclosure of all facts is certainly not helping matters...

Why did  Zahid Hamidi go and meet 'the chief investment officer and wealth trustee of the Arab family' at this time? Was he doing it in his capacity of DPM or Home Minister or Vice President of UMNO,....? How does he know who MACC met? That is information that he got because he is Home Minister? Should he be meeting personally people/witnesses in an ongoing investigation/s?
Zahid said it was the same family the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission had reportedly met.
There is current an on-going investigation/s about this money in the Najib's personal account, would this 'meeting' not be perceived as an act of interfering with the investigations? Zahid should not have done this... because, besides the fact that he is an 'interested party' - a possible beneficiary of these 'donations', he is also the Minister in charge of many of the departments/agencies who are now conducting the said investigations.

Zahid Hamidi must realize that he is Home Minister - and he should be professional in conducting himself as that... The Minister should not be directly involved in the investigations... The Minister should just make sure that investigations are proceeded according to law...

Aug 22, 2015

By Zikri Kamarulzaman 

Zahid: Arabs gave RM2.6b to keep Umno in rule 

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi claims he has met the chief investment officer and wealth trustee of the Arab family said to be behind the alleged RM2.6 billion donation transferred into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak personal accounts.

Zahid said it was the same family the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission had reportedly met.

"When I asked them why they donated US$700 million to Malaysia, they said, 'Malaysia is not the only country we are channeling our money to. There are many more friendly Muslim countries who we are donating to.'

"They want Umno and BN to continue ruling the country," Zahid told delegates at the Sri Gading Umno division annual meeting today.

The Umno vice president, who did not name the family, said he has also seen the original documents of the transfer, and cited this as proof that no Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) money had gone into Najib's accounts.

Zahid, who is a former banker, then detailed how the transactions took place.

"The first US$100 million was in Najib's name. The subsequent transfer went through various transfers because the donor did not want there to be a single cheque in Najib's name," he said.

Zahid claimed the donation was made among others as a token of appreciation for Malaysia's purported counter terrorism efforts.

The MACC has reportedly interviewed the donor, and said the money had not come from debt ridden 1MDB.

However it said the donation is still being probed, and plans to question Najib about it. - Malaysiakini, 22/8/2015

Zahid says he met mystery Arab donor’s aides

Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today said he had met with representatives of the Middle Eastern donor who paid some RM2.6 billion to Datuk Seri Najib Razak. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, August 22, 2015. 
Umno deputy president Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi today said he had met with representatives of the Middle Eastern donor who paid some RM2.6 billion to Datuk Seri Najib Razak. – The Malaysian Insider file pic, August 22, 2015.
Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said he had personally met representatives of the Middle Eastern "family" who donated US$700 million (RM2.67 billion) to Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

He said they told him the donation was to ensure Barisan Nasional (BN) and Umno won the 13th general election.

"I met with the donor's chief investment officer and I also met with the trustee of the funds," Zahid said when officiating the Sri Gading Umno division meeting in Parit Raja, Johor.

"He told me, 'Your Excellency's ‎country is not the only country we are channelling our donations. There are many other Muslim-friendly countries we have donated to'." Zahid said they were helping BN because of the government's commitment to counter terrorism and maintain Malaysia's status as a Sunni country.

"Malaysia has Pota, the penal code, Sosma. We are a moderate nation, we don't want terrorists, so they appreciate our commitment," Zahid said, referring to the Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012.

The funds were transferred into Najib's accounts in two portions: US$681 million in March 2013, and RM42 million between December 2014 and February this year

Pota however was only passed by the Dewan Rakyat in April this year.

"I asked them, any other reasons (for the donation)? Yes, because we are Sunni, we don't want other mazhab (schools of thought) that can twist us away from the sunnah (prophetic traditions)."

Zahid said the donors acknowledged that this was all a result of Najib's leadership.

However, he refused to reveal the donors' identity, simply saying that they were "a particular family from a particular country".

He said there was no point questioning their source of funds as opposition parties had similarly remained quiet about their donors.

Najib has been under pressure over the RM2.6 billion donation after it was first reported as an inflow of funds to his personal bank accounts by The Wall Street Journal on July 2.

The money was only confirmed as a donation by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) early this month, prompting questions by critics as to why Najib had not disclosed this earlier.

The news also revived debate about Malaysia's lack of political funding regulations, after Najib himself and various Umno leaders said there was nothing wrong with him as party president holding the funds in trust for the party.

Najib recently announced a national consultative committee headed by Datuk Paul Low, the minister in charge of governance and integrity, to draw up an action plan to regulate political donations for use ahead of the next general election in 2018. – August 22, 2015, Malaysian Insider
Zahid: I met with RM2.6b donor’s representatives 
Saturday August 22, 2015
01:07 PM GMT+8
Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (pic) confirmed he had seen the original documents for the RM2.6 billion donation which was deposited into Datuk Seri Najib Razak's private accounts. ― File picDatuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi (pic) confirmed he had seen the original documents for the RM2.6 billion donation which was deposited into Datuk Seri Najib Razak's private accounts. ― File pic KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 22 ― Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said today that he has met with the chief investment officer and wealth trustee representing the mysterious Arabs behind the RM2.6 billion donation deposited into Datuk Seri Najib Razak's private accounts.

According to Malaysiakini, Zahid told the Sri Gading Umno divisional meeting today that the representatives also explained to him that Umno was not the only recipient of such donations.

“When I asked them why they donated US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) to Malaysia, they said ― 'Malaysia is not the only country we are channelling our money to. There are many more friendly Muslim countries who we are donating to’.

“They want Umno and BN to continue ruling the country,” the Umno vice-president was quoted by the news portal as saying.

Malaysiakini said Zahid did not name the Arab family that made the donation but confirmed he had seen the original documents for the funds transfer.

He also said this was proof that no Retirement Fund Inc (KWAP) funds had been transferred to Najib's accounts, the news portal reported.

It was previously speculated that the RM2.6 billion found in Najib's private accounts had originated from 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), a brainchild of the prime minister's that is currently under probe for alleged financial irregularities.

But the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission recently refuted this, saying the funds had come from donors from the Middle East. The commission did not, however, reveal the identity or identities of the donors.

The agency’s statement came over a month after the Wall Street Journal ran a news report alleging that the money was channeled into Najib's private account through government agencies.

It has also been alleged that the funds may have been used for Barisan Nasional’s general election campaign in 2013.

Earlier today, Sri Gading Umno chief Datuk Abdul Aziz Kaprawi, was quoted inMalaysiakini as saying that the RM2.6 billion was donated to Umno to help the party fight “Jewish-backed” DAP.

“If we had lost in the elections, Jewish-backed DAP would have been in power... Fellow Muslim leaders recognised the DAP threat.

“If Malaysia's Muslim government fell, the world's Islamic struggle will crumble,” he reportedly said.

Abdul Aziz, who is also a deputy minister, was quoted in another news portal, The Malaysian Insider, as pointing out that Najib is seen in the region as a notable Muslim leader. Malay Mail, 22/8/2015

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