
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 6, 2015

Zaid: Malaysia doomed for IS-rule if Najib stays

Zaid Ibrahim says the only way to save the country is by supporting the Opposition to take over the reins of power in the next GE.
PETALING JAYA: The many billion-ringgit allegations of corruption plaguing Najib Razak’s administration and the deep dissatisfaction this has generated among the people towards the prime minister personally could have dire consequences for the country if left to fester.
In a blog posting today, the former law minister also warned that once the majority of Muslims, who are in the bottom 40 per cent of the income group, got wind of how they have been betrayed by Najib, “they will unleash a force so powerful” that the country will crumble under it.
“The danger, of course, is that this Malay-Muslim majority may be so disheartened by the leaders and our system of government that they will opt for ISIS-like Islamic militancy,” Zaid said of the feared Islamic State that had occupied large parts of Syria and Iraq because the leaders of those countries had failed to address the problems of their people.
“We must remember that Islamic fundamentalism is on the rise in this country; because of Najib Razak, and his policies. Najib is earnestly courting the fundamentalist hardliners in PAS to defend him, and they are now like old buddies,” he said, remarking at the irony of Najib still maintaining close ties with Singapore’s Lee Hsien Loong, US’s Barack Obama and and UK’s David Cameron.
He also described Najib as “damaged goods” and said, “Umno understands that it cannot win the next General Election with him still at the helm, (unless the election is rigged) so his ‘loyalists’ will ask him to leave before the polls.
“Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi (deputy prime minister) has to be the next Prime Minister if the Barisan Nasional wants to prepare for the election.”
He also said to expect an “internal bloodbath” in Umno once former DPM Muhyiddin Yassin, sacked from the Cabinet last week, launches his forces from the south to do battle with Najib and friends.
He said Najib leading Malaysia as chair of Asean was also another failure in the making because of the critical state the country was in currently.
“What will these countries think of Asean that condone or close one eye on corrupt practices of its leaders. What will be in the minds of business leaders wanting to invest in the region when the Chairman of Asean has billions in his account from ‘donations’ of friends and supporters? What do you think they will be saying to each other?”
He was referring to the RM2.6 billion deposited in Najib’s private bank accounts just ahead of the 13th general election in 2013 which the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has since verified as a donation.
He said the only way out for Malaysia was for the people to throw their support behind those in the Opposition pact, who he said stood a “small chance” at winning the next general election if it was not “rigged”.
He however said this group would need to get their act together and put forth a “national team” that the people could recognise and to name their candidate for prime minister.
“Some of you have asked me if the opposition leaders are well qualified to be Prime Minister; and the answer is yes.
“Many of them are honest. They do not know how to collect huge donations, do not have offshore accounts and they do not need private executive jets for their travels.”

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