
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 18, 2016

Why protest against possible return of ‘stolen’ money?

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YOURSAY | ‘We'll see if stepson Riza Aziz even tries to prevent his assets being forfeited.’
Odin Tajué: Australia-based Quintin Rozario, I am not a lawyer; I am not well-educated; and my IQ is below average. I will try to show why you are wrong by picking on only one point (I am not clever enough to address more than one point), and you tell us why I am wrong. Here goes.
You have charged that in filing its complaints with the view to seizing the assets listed in its document, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has prior fabricated a story to defame PM Najib Abdul Razak and the Malaysian government. I put it to you that your charge is worth less than a lump of bull dung.
US attorney-general Loretta Lynch and her associates would be prime candidates for the loony bin if they had indeed done that.
Whoever it is or are that will preside over the hearing would also have to be mentally unsound to find in favour of Lynch and her associates if the statements they have made in their document were without foundation.
One is very much inclined to be of the view that Lynch and her associates as well as whoever it is or are that will preside over the hearing are all of perfectly sound mind, in addition to being well-versed in their law.
StrainingGnats, SwallowCamels: "I would have to say that this is a conspiracy of lies to attack the country... There is no evidence. They have been attacking people and making allegations without checking the facts," said Rozario.
The dictionary says that slander is a false statement spoken with malicious intent.
So, why do you say that the DOJ has merely spoken boldly when they have in fact published a 136-page document detailing specific illegal misuse of US$1 billion for personal enrichment, including gambling debts in Las Vegas, a luxury yacht, interior decorators in London, millions in property including a Bombardier jet costing US$35 million, artworks from Claude Monet and Vincent Van Gogh, about US$250 million investment in Park Lane Hotel, New York, US$176 million invested in EMI Music, US$100 million worth of real estate in the US, United Kingdom and elsewhere, etc.
You, on the other hand, has provided zero substantiation for your truly bold statement.
Anonymous_1419577444: Goodness! Where did Rozario qualified as a lawyer? The DOJ could not be bothered about this kleptocratic government.
They are unhappy because some Malaysians brought ill-gotten funds from 1MDB into the US and cause disrepute to their financial system. The Singapore and Swiss governments are doing the same thing.
Do you not understand how international banking and global anti-money laundering rules and system work?
Rozario, if you don't talk, people will still think you are a respected lawyer from Australia.
Anonymous 1890491455255851: On what basis does this lawyer, who suddenly came out of the woodwork, make the claim that there is no evidence?
The money trail is clear evidence of misdeeds and misappropriating. These monies were shown to have been used to purchase luxurious properties, fund movies of which profits were never returned to the real source, and to pay for all kinds of indulgences.
This is coffee shop talk? He should be arrested and charged for idiocy and being a pest to society.
Concern Ctzen: Who is this person to challenge DOJ? Is he telling us that the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and DOJ are making all these allegations without facts?
You think FBI and DOJ is so unprofessional?
Worldly Wise: What about the US$751 million paid into MO1’s (Malaysian Official 1’s) personal bank account. Where did that money come from?
Why should an individual holding public office, and receiving a salary from taxpayers' money, have a foreign currency account?
Did the foreign money fall from heaven?
Restless: "He said that if the DOJ wanted to seize the assets, there was a law for doing so in the US, and she (Lynch) should not be making allegations against Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak and the government."
Rozario, are you admitting that MO1 is Najib?
Hang Babeuf: "This is bully, what she (Lynch) has done is bully."
When supposedly adult Malaysians tell, or give credence to, infantile accusations of bullying - to the exclusion of all else, and do so when people are raising serious issues and very substantive matters that need to be addressed - you know that they are "scraping the bottom of the barrel". That they are desperate.
And that they are fundamentally childish. Back to kindergarten, kids!
Anonymous 2415891461978791: We'll see who has the evidence. We'll see if stepson Riza Aziz even tries to prevent his assets being forfeited.

One has to wonder why these Umno lackeys scream with pain at the prospect of the US government recovering billions of stolen assets. - Mkini

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