
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 27, 2016

Will we see Jho Low and Riza Aziz in US court?

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YOURSAY | ‘It should not be a problem for them if the DOJ's claims are false.’
Annonymous: Now is the day of reckoning, and the greatest opportunity for 1MDB and Umno loyalists to do justice for the prime minister, and reveal to the world the evil acts of the US against Malaysia.
They should promptly assemble their most powerful team, including among others, the attorney-general (AG), the 1MDB chief, the inspector-general of police (IGP), the Bank Negara governor, ministers Salleh Said Keruak and Azalina Othman Said, and all those Umno lawyers, to defend their boss and 1MDB.
They should easily provide the proof that there was no corruption, or that a kleptocracy existed, but in fact it was just an evil act by the US, working in concert with former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad and the three Tan Sri, to bring down the prime minister and the BN government.
But we are certain the US Department of Justice (DOJ) has records of shocking details; secret dealings, abuse of power, criminal breach of trust (CBT), dereliction of duty, treachery and irrefutable evidence of this hideous crime and wholesale corruption against the country and people of Malaysia.
What we see is only the tip of the iceberg, and we are certain the DOJ will reveal more on this daylight robbery which is now dubbed as the largest case of fraud/corruption in US history.
This is another record for Umno-BN to be proud of, as those in power - the PM, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), the entire cabinet, police, IGP, AG, etc - have seen no wrong.
Opah: I am sure that these men wouldn't dare challenge the DOJ. They did not use their own money to purchase those luxury homes, artwork, champagne, and so forth.
Instead, they used money allegedly stolen from Malaysian taxpayers to buy all those assets. All they care about now is avoiding the American prison cell.                           
Dont Just Talk: Let the two – Jho Low and Riza Aziz - file their claim against the DOJ in order for US AG Loretta Lynch to have the ammunition to expose how they, together with MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), allegedly robbed Malaysians of US$3.5 billion using 1MDB as the vehicle.
When the s**t hits the fan, the name of MO1 will be exposed, but Malaysians already know who he is.
Ean: Somehow, I personally think that it's unfair to pass judgement on this issue since the investigation hasn't been completed yet.
Anonymous 2429201470821533: They still haven't stated who MO1 is. There is no official statement about that even though the opposition keeps on saying that MO1 is PM Najib Razak.
The opposition just wants to create this speculation, that's all. So don't worry - let the DOJ settle this case, and then we will find out who MO1 is.
Roar For Truth: Lots of cursing and swearing at DOJ, but they have no gumption to challenge the DOJ forfeiture in open court because it will make known globally where their millions came from.
Unafraid: All these prime properties and artwork allegedly bought with the Malaysian rakyat's money, all for personal enjoyment, while the ordinary citizens of the country have to tighten their belts to make ends meet.
What a rip off! It really makes my stomach churn to think that our noble law enforcement agencies can come to the conclusion that no wrong has been committed.
Who are these people that they suddenly become so filthy rich? They are nothing but thieves and robbers.
Yet, they are given a clean bill of health to enjoy their ill-gotten wealth by our Malaysian police and the AG’s Chambers. For God's sake, please tell us why?
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Hope they file the challenge against the suit. This will give the lawyers the chance to question their dubious dealings. This is the only chance to draw them out to answer all the allegations.
So far, none of those named in the suit have come out of hiding. Maybe MO1 might be called as a witness. The world is waiting for that moment.
Undertaker: The drama is to begin. But if the DOJ indeed sells the seized assets, and return the money to Malaysia, just who will receive it?
Isana: The DOJ plans to return the proceeds from the sales of these assets to Malaysia. But this means the DOJ is just doing a round trip, confiscating from the thieves to give back to the thieves' master, MO1.

Anonymous 2410591459862040: Please do not return the assets. Get some management company in the US to handle the assets until a better time. Otherwise, we might have a 2MDB.
Noah: So far, did anyone make a claim for the seized assets? Nobody wanted it? - Mkini

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