
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Polling booth was already opened for early voters last week. But today or according to the American time zone, tonight will be the polling day for the US presidential election and also for senate, congress and the smaller public office.

One report from Sydney Australia by Reuters placed Clinton chance of winning by 90%. An earlier NYT reported Clinton has solid lead strong in the electoral collage. Trump must win Florida to survive. Various latest national polls conducted shows a close race with her leading by 1-5%. It is within 3% margin or error so it is still a toss-up.

Clinton have been down from double digit lead after the genital grabbing release due to FBI statement to re-investigate Clinton's e-mails.

It makes no different to Malaysia as to who wins. As a common American joke would have it, it is good news that the election is finally over. But the bad news is we have a new president. Basically saying, everything will remain the same and the country will continue in the same rut down the tube into the sinkhole.

But what is unfathomable is the overzelous and emotional campaign by a Mahathir high priset or mullah preacher. He preaches Islam to Muslim but is a Christian. It is not about difference of faith but he is supporting a Cheat over a Crooked.

Guess it make no difference to him as he supports a Cheat who never play politics fairly. And, the Cheat is also Crooked. According to Barry Wain, an author and former WSJ reporter. But now preaching against those values by alliancing with cheats and crooks.

Hear the Mullah preach unedited:

The black dumb ass Obama calling for illegals to vote in the presidential election as warned by me yesterday has gone viral in USA notwithstanding MSM efforts to suppress the news. So tell me, malaysians who still support the bitch Killary, why would she do that if she and Obama was confident of winning? Therefore am I not right in saying the election is rigged?

You arseholes better stop yr nonsense and stop supporting his bitch for it will be used by Najib against you. So when illegals are allowed to vote in Malaysia (if there is an election, not likely) our enemies will say "F... YOU! WHY ARE YOU FREAKING COMPLAINING WHEN YOU OPENLY SUPPORTED KILLARY EVEN WHEN YOU KNEW SHE AND OBAMA WAS USING ILLEGALS TO RIGGED THE ELECTIONS. SHUT THE F.... UP, YOU MORONS! "
How would you reply you dumb arses to this assertion? You shitholes have no ground to stand on. Final warning. Walk away from the criminal bitch, condemn her or be accused and judged as practicing Double Standards. NO MORE CORRUPTION REGARDLESS WHERE IT IS HAPPENING.
Sorry if it comes out as a deranged man. WYSIWYG. Mahathir likes these kind of people around him.

Let us set aside the Trump's pussy grabbing episode, his racist comments, comedic acts, etc, but hear this You Tube of The Cheat that the preacher support:

Former independent US presidential candidate and consumer advocate, Ralph Nader called him a freeloader:

The psychology of his supporters is interesting, somewhat like the protoon:

According to the survey, both candidates cannot be trusted but Tan Sri Munir Majid lamented the possibility he gets elected:
How did he – Trump – get there?


WHATEVER happens in the United States Presidential election next Tuesday, the Donald Trump phenomenon is the strongest signal coming out of America.

It is not just an aberration, something transient, but a disturbing condition which is a bad omen for the future of the country and America’s leading position in the world.

The sustained support he has obtained on base and isolationist arguments represents a substantial part of the American people.

The erudite analyses on how Trump has got to where he has, many of which look at the sorry state of the Republican Party that nominated him, miss the point of the malady in the society at large. Indeed the bitterness, anger and attitudes Trump has been able to galvanise precisely sneer and snort at these kinds of analyses which do not get it.

The intellectuals are talking among themselves, as they always have done, whereas Trump actually talks and reaches out to the people below. The intellectuals, like the elites generally, are the ones who are isolated.

Read more in The Star here.
Anything happening in America would affect the world and us. Wouldn't it be better that it be the end of orang putih colonialist, their cruel occidental history and them affecting us?

The other option, Tan Sri, is Clinton is Crooked, as Trump described:

Crooked they have been for quite sometime. See this ABC News video here.

Though FBI made a latest statement after claimed of conflict with the Hatch Act that any action by enforcement agencies that could sway outcome of elections, to tone down their stand. But, the damage is done from the early statement below:

One poll was asked on the reasons they favour one candidate over another.

On matter of economy, it favoured Trump. Then on nuclear code, it favoured Hillary but it is about even on foreign policy. Trump's message that Hillary's foreign policy was a "disaster" did sink in. Hillary is favoured on public policy.

It does not matter who win, but it matters when Mahathir begin to emulate Trump style in campaign style to ignore criticism, deny his past record and at times, thin skinned to lash out at everyone. No wonder Matthias support Trump.

Though Mahathir is indifferent but his people favour Trump. Now that he is in cohort with Soros and said ignore Soros. Is Soros not the ideologist and agenda setter for Hillary?

-Another Brick in the Wall

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