
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, November 3, 2016


The local toilet papers are not covering the first 1MDB related trial now going on in Singapore. 
This is the age of the Internet lah bodoh. You can check out Singapore Straits Times  (http://www.straitstimes.com) and Business Times Singapore online – who are giving this 1MDB trial good coverage.  
Here is today’s report from ST Singapore :
Yeo Jiawei worked closely with Jho Low, central figure in 1MDB, says witness
Prosecution cites close ties reason why Yeo perverted justice
Yeo close with Jho Low, central figure in (1MDB), court heard y’day.
Yeo left BSI after Low expressed “interest in taking him on” said Kevin Swampillai
relationship so close that Yeo accompanied Jho Low on private jet
to Las Vegas last year to catch boxing match. 
Yeo selfied with Mike Tyson, said Swampillai, 2nd day of 1MDB-related trial
Seven other charges : cheating, money laundering, forgery for trial next year
Yeo facilitated illicit transactions involving 1MDB
Yeo amassed RM78m fortune from illicit schemes
communications exclusively through Telegram 
used secret feature on Telegram 
chats deleted from each other’s phone records
devised missed call system to alert if picked up by CAD
Yeo code name “James”
Yeo told them to lie to police about fund transfers
“Yeo said we should align our stories” 
But Swampillai abandoned plan when taken in for questioning 
“cover story had too many holes, wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny”

My comments :  To the crooks, cronies, thieves and really stupid advisors around MO1, read the last part again carefully : 
“Yeo said we should align our stories”
Swampillai abandoned plan when taken in for questioning cover story had too many holes, wouldn’t stand up to scrutiny
So to the crooks, thieves, cronies and really stupid advisors around MO1 – just listen to these guys in Court in Singapore now.  All these stupid cover stories will not work.
The guys like Yeo Jiawei and Kevin Swamipillai who are singing like canaries in the Singapore Court now are the ‘cuci jamban’ macais. 
They have not arrested Jho Low yet. They will. That event will come. 
But the guys singing in court in Singapore now are the fetchers and the getters, the macais, the fellows whose job is to cuci jamban.  
In other words they are in the same ranks as you idiots – the stupid advisors, the cronies, the crooks and morons around MO1.  You think you are invincible. Think again. You will go to jail too. 
This Kevin Swamipillai fellow made RM21 million from 1MDB. Also stolen money. I think he has cut a deal with the Singaporeans.  I think he will have to return all that money and maybe go to jail later for a shorter period. But his career is certainly over.
All your stupid cover stories, covering each others ass etc will not work. 
This KevinSwamipillai guy says he abandoned all the stupid cover stories because he realised that :    “cover story had too many holes, and wouldn’t stand up to any scrutiny”.
So it is always the cuci jamban macais who will go to jail first. Long before that, the cuci jamban macais will by themselves start bickering and exposing themselves. 
Rahman Dahlan “volunteered” the information to the BBC that  MO1 was none other than Super Moron.   Why did Rahman Dahlan deliberately make that very public statement?
One theory is that there is already a conspiracy around MO1’s closest circle to topple him.  
Then that 2nd Finance Minister fellow quit from all his positions. He said his blood pressure went up sky high. He took a break and then waited for Parliament to make that statement in Parliament. Terus kena questioning by Police.   
So you see, they are already crumbling from the inside.  No one asked the 2nd Finance Minister to quit or to make that statement. But they cannot take the pressure.  Stealing is not a small offense.  
Pretty soon they will all start singing and pointing fingers at each other. 
The orang putih says ‘There is no honour among thieves’.  This is not some wise saying thought up by some philosopher. 
This is an observation of behaviour among thieves.   
There is always no honour among thieves.
So which one from among you will sing first?  Tick tock tick tock.

1 comment:

  1. saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terimah kasih kepada MBAH BASKORO atas bantuannya selama ini dan saya tidak menyanka kalau saya sudah bisa sukses dan ini semua berkat bantuan MBAH BASKORO,selama ini, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang2 dan alhamdulillah kini sekaran saya sudah punya usaha Restoran sendiri,itu semua atas bantuan beliau.Saya sangat berterimakasih banyak kepada MBAH BASKORO atas bantuan nomor togel dan dana ghaibnya, dan saya yang dulunya pakum karna masalah faktor ekonomi dan kini kami sekeluarga sudah sangat serba berkecukupan dan tidak pernah lagi hutang sana sini,,bagi anda yang punya masalah keuangan jadi jangan ragu-ragu untuk menghubungi MBAH BASKORO karna beliau akan membantu semua masalah anda dan baru kali ini juga saya mendaptkan para normal yang sangat hebat dan benar-benar terbukti nyata,ini bukan hanya sekedar cerita atau rekayasa tapi inilah kisah nyata yang benar-benar nyata dari saya dan bagi anda yg ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi MBAH BASKORO di 085217344419 dan ingat kesempatan tidak akan datang untuk yang ke 2 kalinya terimah kasih..


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