
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Singapore police tracing JoLo now - Game Over

Image result for jho low

My comments : 

Within a flash the first TWO 1MDB related trials are over in Singapore. 

1. Yeo Jia Wei : The Yeo Jia Wei trial closed on Friday.  Do you notice that their Court did not postpone any of the hearings. Now we await the judgement on that case.

2. Yak Yew Chee : Then surprise, surprise on Friday another 1MDB case, that of Yak Yew Chee also came to a quick conclusion when Yak pleaded guilty - thus becoming the first person to be convicted of a crime in relation to the 1MDB scandal.  

The Singapore police are now tracing the whereabouts of Jho Low (JoLo).  

I have heard talk that just a few months back the Police force of a certain South East Asian country sent TWO Police officers to meet and interview JoLo in a hotel room in Hong Kong.  I wonder which country ?   

Meaning that some people can easily know (or even arrange) the hotel and the room number where JoLo is located and how to contact him.  Maybe they can assist the Singapore Police and Prosecutors track down JoLo ? Or maybe they will not. Whatever happened to ASEAN, friendship, cooperation and all that bullshit? 

Anyway the following is taken from The Thingy. 
BSI's "Biggest Customer" Is Now A 'Person of Interest' 
S'pore Case Confirms Jho Low Was Behind Scam!

11 November 2016 

two weeks of open court hearings
case against 1MDB, MO1, JoLo confirmed, strengthened  
Spore has several more witnesses, charges for coming year 
yards of evidence to unravel before global media
Singapore now looking for JoLo

“We take long time, but we are deadly” explained S'pore investigator 
S'pore moves with slow care and precision
surprised how long it takes
in the end facts are in the figures, they can’t escape 

last week S'pore court methodically shook down BSI bankers 
who facilitated JoLo's accounts for 1MDB

four charges so far in Yeo Jiawei case, rest for next year
fortnight of testimony has presented lethal step forward 
goal : those ultimately responsible over theft of billions 

witnesses and defendant admitted who was real “boss”

acknowledged by accused’s own defence lawyer:
..instructions ultimately came from JoLo,  lawyer Philip Fong argued 

on Thurs 10th Nov, Yeo himself testified :

JoLo “most important client” of Yak Yew Chee

JoLo introduced SRC, 1MDB, set up by MO1..

Yeo testified: “JoLo ‘gatekeeper’, key adviser to 1MDB
JoLo most important client of BSI bank
Whenever he comes, CEO Hans Brunner and Yak meet him
JoLo only communicated with Yak
JoLo particular about secrecy

when asked by his lawyer, Yeo mentioned 2 “huge” deals JoLo brought to BSI 
US$100m deal with SRC in 2011, US$2b deal with Brazen Sky in 2012
in Court on Thurs, Spore police tightened noose further 
police said JoLo, Eric Tan, Husseini are ‘persons of interest’ to Spore
police said in court "JoLo key person of interest in investigation"
first time law-enforcement officially named JoLo

S'pore authorities said 1MDB largest probe in country’s history
  • JoLo mastermind of 1MDB
  • location unknown
  • continues to move freely

evidence so damning one key witness already cracked
Yak Yew Chee cracked - on closing day of Yeo Jiawei trial
more charges hanging above his head 
Yak started spilling beans in court 
Yak pleaded guilty, citing 'person of interest' JoLo as man behind scam
Yak received modest punishment – $$24,000 fine, 18 weeks jail

Yak’s lawyer said client "cooperated with CAD"
corroborated JoLo “boss” behind his crimes:
Yak committed crimes at behest of JoLo 
JoLo “was BSI’s biggest customer”
full admission that Yak played ball with JoLo 

evidence made public by S'pore’s methodical prosecution team
detailed charges against Yak released by court after guilty plea
reveal full relationship between Yak, JoLo and BSI

confirm what 1MDB, PetroSaudi, JoLo all denied
ie JoLo owned Good Star 
Good Star siphoned RM3b directly from PetroSaudi JV

JoLo controlled bogus Blackstone
held by his agent Eric Tan, bank account was at StanChart S'pore
prosecutors have full information about account 
looming questions for StanChart, Spore’s premier bank
StanChart awaiting news of own fate, potential charges
StanChart to fully provide more damning information against JoLo

case unravelled in textbook fashion for prosecution over two weeks
as smaller fry squeezed, they implicated their bosses 
then their bosses implicated those behind them

Yeo’s boss Swampillai exposed Yeo’s attempts to suppress evidence and lie 
Swampillai admitted great deal of what they had been up to
detailed how both worked together to skim millions from Brazen Sky 
explained how Yak ie JoLo's relationship manager put them up to it

1MDB sold ‘investment’ in PetroSaudi in 2012 for $2.3b
then invested in units in Bridge Partners 
Bridge Partners pay $2 million/year kickback to Goh Sze-Wei 
Goh testified he received millions in “referral fees” 

set up shell company Bridge Global to receive kickback
pass on to Bridgerock Investment and GTB Investment. 
these companies owned by Yeo and Swampillai 

Amicorp's Jose Pinto testified Yeo urged him to destroy evidence
Pinto said Yeo left BSI bank to work for JoLo 

Yeo provided damning evidence about him funnelling money from SRC
SRC is 1MDB subsidiary, borrowed RM4b from KWAP in 2011

Shortly after money borrowed by SRC, he transferred $100m into EEMF
then SRC asked EEMF extend loan US$100m to Blackstone
Blackstone owned by Eric Tan, agent of JoLo 
After that transaction, many more from 1MDB, SRC, Yeo said.

1st two week trial exposed 'hidden' movers and shakers
JoLo, Eric Tan, Badawi identified already by DOJ
only person who could have licensed this whole-scale plunder 
and prevented all investigation is MO1 - in charge of 1MDB.

Malaysia Refuses Assistance to Switzerland
Malaysia simply rejected Swiss AG’s repeated request for cooperation 
international prosecutors cannot step back from this investigation 
will do proper job, nail the real perpetrators. 
They are going about it textbook fashion.
Swiss say will continue investigations with colleagues across globe

  • MO1 tried to boast that Trump will get him off the hook
  • visited S'pore to beg for his accounts to be unfrozen
  • offered Islamic deals with PAS
  • thrown himself at China and 
  • offered deals to Thailand
However, step by step, fact by fact and brick by brick the professional prosecutors across the world are building a case he cannot answer.  

My comments : Beware the wrath of December. Tick tock, tick tock

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