
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 6, 2016

The illogic of Jamal on donations

YOURSAY ‘There was never a RM2.6 billion donation, so it is all moot.’

GE14Now!: Sungai Besar Umno chief Jamal Md Yunos is incapable of understanding logic and reason. A foreign donation is a foreign donation. If one is unacceptable, then so is the other.
The trouble with this lot is that they do not understand principle-centred leadership; in fact, Umno has proven itself to be a totally unprincipled party with very poor leadership.
Jamal and his ilk need to be put behind bars, preferably in a cell next to the country's chief bogus fundraiser/donation raiser.
Existential Turd: Their logic is this: they can do anything, running amok destroying properties, and it would still be for the good of the country, for defending their dignity and Islam.
If you question the government's integrity, even if you have unassailable evidence, you are a puppet of Western values. And you will be hounded and heckled.
Unafraid: This is called selective hearing. This infamous goon clearly is a paid Umno puppet whose job is to make a fool and a nuisance of himself and his idiotic bunch of gangsters in order to intimidate peace-loving Malaysians.
Only an idiot would justify the RM2.6 billion scam as legitimate. However, he has let the cat out of the bag with a slip of his tongue.
It has always been my opinion that the money was indeed donated by an Arab donor but for the work of Islamisation. That's why those who are privy to this information condone it.
Malaysia4All: Let's face facts. There was never a RM2.6 billion donation, so it is all moot.
The entire world knows that Najib allegedly misappropriated the RM2.6 billion from 1MDB, except seemingly the goons from Umno-BN and this pea-brained bully, Jamal.
Drngsc: Jamal has no intellect. He talks nonsense. Foreign interfering means foreign government trying to influence the formation of government. The issue of Islam does not arise.
PM Najib Razak admitted that the donation (allegedly from Saudis) was for the purpose of winning GE 13, which directly means forming the government after GE13. This is obviously interfering with our elections.
Oscar Kilo: China is not investing in Malaysia. On the contrary, Malaysia is investing in China by awarding multibillion dollar contracts to China companies and taking multibillion dollar loans from China.
Guess who will profit, and who will pay?
Anonymous: He can say what he think is right, that’s freedom of speech. But when you threaten to do harm to others, you have to be responsible for whatever action taken by the authorities to ensure the safety of others.
Worldly Wise: Money was taken from 1MDB and paid to an offshore company. From that offshore company money was paid to No 1's personal bank account.
Jamal is incorrectly referring to a "gift" of RM2.6 billion. The correct word is something very different.
RR: If a foreign donation is a crime to an opposition party it is also a crime to a ruling party. There cannot be a double standard in a genuine democracy.
By the way, who is Jamal to take the law into his own hands and threaten to bring down the roof of Malaysiakini?
Do we not have a police force and the courts to investigate and pass judgement? Is the inspector-general of police (IGP) frighten of this chap? God help Malaysia.
Trueglitter: Admittedly, it is not uncommon for mischief-makers to go all out to create a ruckus or a riotous uproar with the purpose of deflecting attentions from acts of mischief or aggression that they have committed, as in the said case involving at least two Umno MPs who were in a raging fit when Kasthuri Patto (DAP) exercised her parliamentary rights and civil concerns over her allegations of Umno members' involvements in the utterly unpopular and much-disliked red-shirts movement.
It is extremely regrettable and disappointing that the culture that is now adopted by especially Umno is one of mindless harassment and intimidation toward particularly the Bersih supporters whenever opportunities come their way.
The two Umno MPs who had lost their heads to vehemently launch their verbal attacks on Kasthuri had betrayed an absence of intelligence when they were unable to acknowledge that the leader of the red-shirts movement is Jamal, who is also the Sungai Besar Umno division head.
Inworldnotof: When Jamal is an Umno division chief is also chief of the red shirts who have been behaving like you know how, and you hadn't said a word whenever their brand of bullying had occurred, you now cannot say Umno has not been supporting red shirts.
Dosa ada dua jenis, there are two kinds of sins: sin of commission (buat punya dosa seperti membuli); sin of omission (patut buat sesuatu demi menegakkan keadilan, tetapi tak buat).
The Mask: Mohamad, isn't Jamal ikan bakar an Umno division chief? Not only is he a member, but the leader of the red shirt.
Moreover, not a squeak from your MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) to condemn the physical violence carried out by them. Hey, silence means consent, tahukah?

Beh Tahan: They wear their belts around their necks. Anything you say is hitting below the belt and therefore easily offended.- Mkini

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