
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 27, 2017

Kit Siang: Demonise me all you want, I won't quit

DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has vowed to "soldier on" during the next general election regardless of relentless attacks against his character in recent months.
"The high-powered well-orchestrated campaign by Umno and BN leaders to demonise and destroy me will have the effect of hardening my resolve not to succumb to such 'dirty politics' of hate, fear and intimidation.
"If I finally decide to soldier on during the next election, I have to thank the BN's 'dirty tricks department' for their high-powered and well-orchestrated campaign of lies and falsehoods to try to destroy and break my spirit," he said in a statement today.
Lim said that in recent months, he has been subject to near daily attempts to paint him as "anti-Malay and anti-Islam" by government-controlled media organistions.
"(They are) describing me as a devil, hantu (ghost), puaka (evil spirit) and even jembalang (goblin), as if I breath fire or eat babies for breakfast," wrote Lim.
What appeared to have pushed Lim over the edge was Umno information chief Annuar Musa's RM50,000 cash reward for the best essay on why the former was "anti-Malay and anti-Islam".
Yesterday, Lim had described this as a "moronic" attempt to make an allegation and then look to the public for substantiation by dangling a cash reward.
DAP not 'easy meat' without Kit Siang
Lim also trained his guns on BN strategic communications director Abdul Rahman Dahlan for suggesting that DAP grassroots are trying to give the former the boot.
"In fact, if it is true... Abdul Rahman should not spoil their plans by making a public announcement of it, but quietly instigate such disaffection in the DAP.
"Abdul Rahman would only make such a public announcement when his claim is just a pack of lies - part of a 'masterplan' to demonise me and to break my spirit... to compel me to retire from politics," said Lim.

He said that the relentless attacks against him was likely due to what he claims to be BN's assumption that DAP would be "easy meat" without him.
"With or without me, DAP will continue to be a Malaysian political party committed to the objectives of justice, fair play, freedom, democracy, development and prosperity for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region.
"DAP is not a political party of one or a few persons but a national movement to achieve the Malaysian dream where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region or political affiliation, can stand tall and feel proud as a Malaysian, not as at present, when we are ashamed outside the country to admit that we are Malaysians because of the curse, infamy and ignominy of a global kleptocracy and the 1MDB scandal," he said.- Mkini

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