
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, August 11, 2017

BREAKING NEWS : JoLo Cuts Separate Deal With DOJ. Najib Kena Liw@tted. Ouch !!

Folks, there really is no honor among thieves. Here is the latest bombshell from The Thingy.

I really dont know how these haramjadah can sleep at night anymore. 
They must be on some serious sleeping medication just to get their eyes closed.

Here is the story.




8 August 2017

Emails supplied to ...  .news organisations by the group calling itself Global Leaks confirm that 1MDB’s fugitive fixer and the man behind the world’s record global kleptocracy theft was in “active discussions” with the United States Department of Justice as of mid-May of this year.
In an email dated May 16th of this year, a lawyer acting on behalf of Sheikh Yousef Otaiba, the Abu Dhabi Ambassador to the United States, revealed that a representative of the Mubadala fund had confirmed to him that Jho Low is in active negotiations with the DOJ:

Marty stated that he knew that Jho Low was in active discusssions with the US Department of Justice, but was not comfortable with sharing with me …what the status of those discussions were… I was surprised that Marty had not previously shared that Jho Low was in active discussions with the DOJ as that is a very important fact from our perspective….”


  • The news is likely to strike horror and dismay into the heart of the Najib administration in Malaysia, since it indicates that the key link-man and proxy for the Prime Minister at the heart of this major scandal is seeking to come to terms with investigators, who have been doggedly unravelling his activities over the past two years and frozen hundreds of millions of dollars worth of assets and accounts.
  •  Low is in a position to confirm every last detail of 1MDB’s criminal activities and is in a position to point the finger at his “Big Boss” – the name he gave to Najib Razak. 
  • Low has been negotiating to protect the rest of his extended family (father, brother and sister) who have all been caught up in the web of money laundering.

Worst possible timing for Najib?

The deadly news comes on the very day the beleaguered Finance Minister failed to meet the final five day grace period for the payment of USD628 million, due under a court ruling on July 31st to Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund IPIC.

The money was supposed to be paid by 1MDB 
failing that, its guarantor the Malaysian Government.  

numerous strategies to raise the money have failed over recent weeks 
PM has simply found himself unable to raise the cash.
  • hurried attempt to raise bond issue by Bank of Malaysia last week 
  • plans to force GLCs to invest have failed
  • none of these former cash cows have liquidity remaining.

deadline expired today, pushing Malaysia into sovereign default 
Najib asked Gulf rulers to be lenient till end of August
little chance to find the money by then 
nor the further USD602m due on December 31st.
Jho Low at centre of 1MDB mega-heists 
orchestrated with his father, family members
number of bankers jailed in Singapore

Sheikh Yousef Al Otaiba

release of emails between Jho Low and Sheikh Otaiba 
FBI questioning Abu Dhabi Ambassador about ties to Jho Low 
Low's longstanding business understanding with Otaiba and Shaher Awartani

JoLo channelled US$66m to Otaiba from 1MDB
in return for assistance in getting Mubadala to invest 
money invested in Malibu Mansion by Otaiba, worth US$50m.

Sheikh now in discussion with US authorities 
will be required to hand back asset acquired through money from 1MDB.  
Miranda Kerr and Leo DiCaprio returned assets acquired from Jho Low.

Otaiba and Shaher hired legal advisors to protect their position 

Shaher explains in email (May 23rd) he prefer his lawyers to speak to Jho Low:

    “I have pushed for this as I feel that sitting completely blind and paralyzed at this point should not be our option”
email by Otaiba’s lawyers (May 16) aware Jho Low negotiating with DOJ. 

Otaiba’s lawyer writes:

“I told Marty [Marty Edelman, Mubadala’s legal advisor] it would be helpful to my representation of you and Yousef if I knew whether Jho Low was in discussions with DOJ and what the status of those discussions were.  Marty stated that he knew that Jho Low was in active discusssions with the US Department of Justice, but was not comfortable with sharing with me …what the status of those discussions were… I was surprised that Marty had not previously shared that Jho Low was in active discussions with the DOJ as that is a very important fact from our perspective….”

Read the full story at The Thingy here.

My comments :  It is not JoLo who is being clever. It is the US Dept of Justice who know how to go about their business.

Their target has been MO1 all this while.  They deliberately put pressure on JoLo. And the trick has worked. JoLo has now cracked. 

JoLo has much more to lose than Najib. 

As that stupid UMNO lawyer said, 'The PM does not need to know what he is signing'.

So Najib can just plead stupidity.  "Your honor, I wish to plead that I am stupidI dont know what I signed."

One small problem. 
Under the law you can plead insanity. 
But you cannot plead stupidity. 

So when is the next session of our Parlimen? 
Time for RUU101#IamStupid ?

My belief is the DoJ is targeting the assets first. Hand over the assets and we will talk.

No. 2 they will want information and details of accounts and moneys. This is where the Hippo is going to get roasted over a slow fire. 

Folks, ponder this. This looks very plausible now.
The Hippo  may end up spending some years in a US jail. 
If JoLo sings loud enough,  this is not an impossible scenario.

The step-son is a non issue. 
Soiled toilet paper. 
They may lock him up first.
Easy peasy.

I just cannot believe their unbelievable stupidity. 
These folks have very low IQs.

It reminds me of the scene from the movie Marie Antoinette where the French King Louis the something (16th?) as he was about to be beheaded at the guillotine. In the movie, poor Louis' last words were, 'Why do they hate me so much?'

Thats the direction these people are headed as well. 

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