
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 15, 2017

MO1 vs PO1 like comparing mosquito with elephant

YOURSAY | 'Had MO1 been Guan Eng, he would now be serving time in Sungai Buloh.'
Allforit: This is hilarious. Penang CM Lim Guan Eng has caused the country’s corruption index to worsen? It really takes charges involving more than a billion ringgit to do that.
Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) perfectly fits that bill. The fact that the RM2.6 billion scandal caused an uproar in Parliament goes to show the sensitivity surrounding the truth concerning MO1.
Clearwater: MO1 vs PO1 (Penang Official 1)? It's like elephant against mosquito when MO1's RM2.6 billion is weighed against Lim's unspecified discount for his RM2.8 million bungalow purchase.
Mind you, that RM2.6 billion is only a portion of the money presumably lost. What is there to argue about? MO1 wins hands down!    
Ipoh Pp: Lim’s bungalow purchase was a ‘willing buyer, willing seller’ deal. The purchase of the bungalow had hurt no one.
The seller sold it cheaper for reasons best known to her. Maybe she needed the sale to go through urgently, for want of cash. The general public was never shortchanged.
However, in the 1MDB deals, public funds were involved and we have now to pay more for everything because of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) being implemented to make up for the loss. So, go figure.
Fairplayer: Minister in Prime Minister's Department Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Lim never stole a sen of the people's money in the charged offences.
According to the US Department of Justice (DOJ), MO1 and his wife are allegedto have stolen billions of the people's money.
Amateur: What we have are moronic characters in the government. Even if Lim were to get his RM2.8 million bungalow free of charge, do the taxpayers and their offspring suffer?
The 1MDB scam has brought tremendous debts to both the taxpayers and their offspring, besides gaining the country worldwide notoriety as a leading kleptocracy.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Abdul Rahman, your team changed the referee while the game is in progress to ensure you will not lose the match.
This analogy is appropriate in the sacking of the former AG Abdul Gani Patail, who was replaced by one appointed by the prime minister himself.
So, your claim that MO1 has yet to be charged sounds hollow. We all know the charge sheet was allegedly being prepared when he was replaced all of a sudden by the current AG, whom, not surprisingly, has found nothing amiss with 1MDB.
To add insult to injury, the government had the Auditor-General's Report on 1MDB classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA). This is akin to hiding the video of the football match in which your opponent had scored a perfectly legitimate goal, but was ruled offside by your own appointed referee.
Had MO1 been Lim or any other opposition politician, he would have been charged in court long ago, and most likely now be serving time in Sungai Buloh.
MyMalaysia: Never in history has a prime minister of Malaysia been accused of corruption by so many MPs and rakyat. It must have some credence - nobody would pick it out of thin air and blow it up to such a proportion.
Abdul Rahman, there have been more Umno guys booked for corruption such that perception of the country has been made worse than just one CM from Penang. Your Sabah water scandal, for example, has happened in a state you yourself are from.
Frank: Abdul Rahman (together with minister Salleh Said Keruak) is epitome of all that is not right with Sabah. For some time now, these two ministers and their journalist friends have been trying to find fault with Lim and the Penang government.
It is as if where they come from everything is all rosy, when the very fact known to all is that Sabah BN and Sabahan chief ministers one after another, along with their parliamentarians over the years, have failed the state and its people through and through.
It is quite a rich state but it has nothing to show (other than being collaborators of the kind of tyranny that people worldwide have been talking about in the last few years).
Yet all they can do is say this and that about Lim and the Penang government, which by and large have done a marvellous job for Penang and its people.
Anonymous #37634848: The Parliament is a joke – Abdul Rahman doesn't even understand what causes a drop in the corruption index.
Compared to Lim's bungalow purchase, MO1 is known as a kleptocrat who has allegedly committed gross misappropriation of a sovereign fund.
Yet the latter has not been charged - why? The evidence is crystal clear, but his attorney-general (AG) in shining armour has tied a shield to his own brain, so tight no wave can penetrate it.
Victor Johan: Othman Abdul (BN-Pendang) was heard shouting at Taiping MP Nga Kor Ming. "Stupid! MO1 has yet to be charged!" he shouted.
Othman, we heard you loud and clear. MO1, and of course he was also referring to his tainted boss, has yet to be charged.
Perhaps he will be, as soon as the new Pakatan Harapan government takes the case on after GE14.
Kingfisher: There is a profound wisdom in the village adage "you can bring a donkey to the river, but you cannot force it to drink". And another one in redneck cowboy jargon "when your horse has died, you should get rid of the horse".
The accusatory and the denial saga that has been ongoing for some two years regarding 1MDB is exhausting for many who do not have the wherewithal to right a grievous wrong done to the nation.
And seemingly for the benefit of those alleged to have abused political leadership, a ‘sandiwara’ with present-day ‘dongeng wayang kulit’ facets is being staged regularly.
Headhunter: What former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad said is true, that these people are so thick-skinned they are not even embarrassed when people call them corrupt to their face.
Wira: Huge amounts of money found in the personal bank account of a government officer is sufficient evidence to charge that public officer, especially when the person had also allegedly lied about an Arab donor.

In Bolehland, the corrupt can get away with pre-emptively sacking the prosecutor and later claiming innocence. - Mkini

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