
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, August 27, 2017

Penang CM: Najib's stand on reclamation 'shocking'

Prime Minister Najib Razak's remark in Balik Pulau that Putrajaya may not approve the state's proposed Penang south reclamation project is shocking, said Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng.
Lim asked why Najib chose to target Penang when the federal government had approved reclamation projects in other states such as Johor, Malacca and most recently, Kedah.
"Kedah even went ahead with the reclamation exercise without the approval of the Department of Environment (DOE), but no action has been taken," Lim told reporters in Penang.
"Penang's proposed reclamation is still being studied by the DOE. We feel it should be handled technically and not politically," Lim said.
"By saying he may not approve the project, the PM merely wants to please the Umno Balik Pulau MP cum Deputy Health Minister Hilmi Yahya.
"He is not dealing with this technically, but politically."
Yesterday, Najib said the reclamation project would not be approved if it puts "sand into the rice bowls" of the 1,500 fishermen in Balik Pulau.
The premier was responding to Hilmi, who raised the issue during his speech at a lunch meeting with Najib and the Balik Pulau community.
However, Najib denied having any political motives, urging certain quarters not to misunderstand federal decisions on opposition state proposed projects.
He said for any project to gain approval from Putrajaya, it must not impact negatively on the livelihood of the people, and should be environmentally friendly.
Meanwhile, Lim insisted the Penang government is very concerned about the fishing community and will ensure adequate compensation for the affected fishermen.
He said the state will ensure the least impact to the fishermen's fishing methods and that access to the sea remains open for them.
Despite the plan to create three artificial islands off the southern coast, Lim assured that the reclamation of the proposed 4,500 acres will not affect the beach, such as is being done in Johor's reclamation.
The project is part of the state's RM27 billion Penang transport master plan to make the whole island accessible by various modes of transport.
The reclaimed land will be sold for commercial and residential purposes through an open tender process, and funds generated will finance the master plan.
The state has appointed SRS Consortium as the project delivery partner (PDP) to realise the Penang transport master plan, which includes proposed highways, light rail transit (LRT) systems and other public transportation options.
Lim claimed that Penang's compensation to fisher folk who may be affected by the reclamation was higher than other states, describing it as "record breaking".

"Please do not make decisions based on politics to victimise Penangites," he said.
He added that Penang needed to carry out the reclamation exercise so that LRTs can be built to connect the southern part with the rest of the island.
"Najib had made three promises to built the LRT in Penang but after eight years, it has not happened, that is why we are forced to come out with the Penang Transport Master Plan," said Lim. - Mkini

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