
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Sedikit Komen "Panas" Dari "Why The (Sekolah Kebangsaan) Will Make Your Children Dumb And Poor. Or 'Why Stupid Is A Choice'"

I have taken the liberty of reposting some of the comments from the previous post  

"Why The (Sekolah Kebangsaan) Will Make Your Children Dumb And Poor. Or 'Why Stupid Is A Choice'"

I think they are worth a relook. Maybe it will stir up some useful debate.  Do not be afraid to talk and discuss. We are not Kiplings "childish asiatics" anymore.  Lets grow up and talk about things more openly.

1.Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sebab tu lah bangsa melalu yg berkelulusan universiti pon hanya kerja dng kerajaan dan GLC. Standard omputeh mereka tak leh join perushaan multinational. Untok jadi pekerja gudang boleh lah.
Monday, August 14, 2017 8:31:00 PM

2.  Anonymous said...

Syed, you are either really stupid like those IPTA vice-chancellors or an UMNO mole.

The whole education agenda for UMNO is to keep the rakyat just bright enough to count until RM20, and read road signs. If students are too smart, they will want to oppose UMNO. If they are kept stupid, you can give them a few Ringgit, a T-shirt and ask them to throw chairs and flare at a 92-year-old man ... and they will just do it!

If they realise that there's another school system that is giving the rakyat real education, it will threaten UMNO's national education agenda. They will do everything to shut it down ... and it's so easy! Just play the race and religion card and order Jamal to move in with his red-shirts!

In Malaysia, good things must be kept under wrap so that the robbers do not come and destroy or take them. Therefore, Syed, please shut the F up about what the Chinese schools are doing. They are our last hope to salvage the young Malaysians.
Monday, August 14, 2017 9:33:00 PM

Anonymous3.  Anonymous said...
Hello Datuk Syed,

Education in Malaysia in doldrums. Very precise analysis. I like your proverb, bila sesat, balk ke pangkal jalan.

Here are the points I wish to raise:

1) Schools in the 70s - Headmaster Chinese/Indian/Melayu/Christian Father
2) Maths Teacher - Chinese - good maths skills
3) Science Teacher - Chinese/Indian
4) English Teacher - Chinese/Indian
5) Geography Teacher - Melayu
6)Tawarikh Teacher (That is sejarah for the young ones) - Malay/Chinese
7)Art Teacher - Chinese
8)Bahasa Malaysia Teacher - Melayu
9)PE Teacher - Chinese/Indian

School Assembly Every Friday last period, and we sang NegaraKU. Recited Rukun Negara.

Berani ker balik ke pangkal jalan. If you balik to pangkal jalan, you will find there is not many Melayu Teachers.

Our Exercise Books has Rukun Negara at the back cover.

There was no hint of Islam in the education system.

Baju Melayu was optional on Fridays.

Then the degradation happened...everything must be Melayu. Even Maths, half baked Melayu teachers, who would get lost in Algebra, trying to solve a quadratic equation.

For the Chinese not knowing maths was like not being Chinese, this was the motivation in Students and also teachers. The teachers were such dedicated lots. The level of knowledge imparted ws un believable. Very effective, carrot and stick approach.

What is the situation now, horrible.. pls check the Assunta School in PJ, what it was when in the hands of the missionary and what it is today in the hands of Gore Besar Melayu.

Missionary Objective : Ensure students are disciplined, become good citizens and learned.

Bure Besar Melayu Objective: Islamisation of the School.

So when the objectives are different, the results will be different and there is where the problem lies.

Leave the religion to only Ugama classes, and let the science and maths to progress.

Malaysia Education - One of the best became one of the worst.

Monday, August 14, 2017 10:09:00 PM
4.  Anonymous said...

Erm, not sure which rock you came out from but National school is not secular. It's a semi-religious school. I remembered well when I'm in primary near multi-race suburbs, I wore short pants and have Chinese and Indians friends. And both boys and girls holding hands and play together. When I change school into a one-race suburbs. I had to wore long pants. No Chinese/Indians friends and no holdings hands or play together. I remembered a Malay girl in my secondary years got repremanded by a zealot teacher bcos not wearing tudung. That was around 1998. She transferred from a multi-race urban area. I think after a weak staving off the zealot, she succumbed. Poor girl.
Monday, August 14, 2017 11:41:00 PM
5.  Anonymous said...

Memang confirm Melayu akan ketinggalan. Budak Melayu, balik sekolah kena pergi kelas KAFA. 2-3 jam. Sehari belajar agama 3-4 jam termasuk yang kat sekolah. Seminggu 20 jam belajar agama. Balik rumah dah takda energy nak buat benda lain. Budak darjah 2 kena belajar Jawi. Tulis nota dalam jawi masa subject Pendidikan Islam. Saya rasa, subject Pendidikan Islam ni disusahkan untuk create peluang kerja utk graduate yang balik dari Middle East yg tak boleh cari kerja di Malaysia. 
Anak bangsa lain ambil exrra class Math dan English. Belajar Math 20 jam seminggu. Boleh compete ke nanti budak Melayu?

Ismail Fatah

6.  Anonymous said...

SJK PEROSAK budak2! Kawan punya anak sewel di buatnya bab terlalu demanding dgn Agama masa di sekolah. Di paksa mengaji, sembahyang. Sikit2 suruh doa itu ini lepas tu marah kalo budak tu tak tunjuk interest ke tak reti buat. WOI Guru2 Melayu BAHLOL... agama adalah pilihan sendiri. Yg korang sebuk nak mampus tu kenapa. Sukati org lah nak buat ke tidak. Kalo mak bapak sendiri tak kesah kenapa korang MENGATAL MENYEBUK nak jadi wakil Tuhan konon.Beraksi macam dialah penjaga syurga. Bertambah hebat masalah social lagi ada dgn buang bayi, dadah, rogol. Sekarang budak tu tak buat apa2 bab ada masalah PHOBIA bercampur gaul. Kerja pon tidak bab semua pon kena ada agama itu ini. Kami kenal 2 lagi kes macam ni. Anak dah besar duduk di rumah tak buat apa2 bab ada masalah sakit jiwa.Punca masalah di sekolah. P*ndek lah korang. Malaysia is NOT a moderate Islamic Country ! Stop the BS!
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 12:40:00 AM

7. Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had been a PIBG committee for 12 years when my two children were studying in a Chinese vernacular school. I actively take part in forwarding ideas regarding school activities and fund raising. Through the years I noticed the increasing Malay and some Indian pupils though this school was located in a Chinese populated semi-urban village. I was also part of the decision making in enrolling more non-Chinese pupils. The day I left in 2006, the school has 215 non-Chinese out of 1230 pupils. The canteen also has a small section catering for Muslim. Bearing in mind that the school has just 1 single storey and 1 double storey classrooms in 1994. There was no Petronas money and we had to do our own fund raising. The school also have food subsidy for poor children mostly Malay and Indian. Currently this school has 4 new blocks and a hall from all the fund raising it did. There was no discrimination and extra help were given to slow learners. There was no discipline issue like most national schools that I encountered. I learned that many Malay pupils excel in their studies and hopefully do well in their working life. My daughter is currently an actuary after graduating in USA....thanks to the strong Mathematics discipline she benefited in the Chinese vernacular school. She only has one comment regarding the Malaysia education as a whole and especially national schools....the system is rotten.

I also pity a Malay customer of mine whose son is currently driving Grab car after failing to get a job upon graduating from Uni Pertanian. He hardly able to string a proper sentence in English and was rejected in more than 10 job interviews. This is what to expect from local uni with full of kangkungs.
Tuesday, August 15, 2017 9:13:00 AM

8.   Beng Hai said...Many in this community made it their life mission to take out and abolish the vernacular school system by putting a mere excuse of vernacular school is a hindrance to national unity. Ironically, these comes from the people whose political party only admits certain race. Other race can go fly kite so to speak.

As the saying goes, " When you can't compete on level field, break the other competitor's leg so they can't run faster than you." This we can already see in this coming SEA games. The Thailand sepak takraw teams faced restriction in enrolling for certain categories because Malaysia as host country have the privelage to say so. We are so desperate to win that we ban the competitors from competing.

You can read this here, https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/s/10512/
9.  Anonymous Anonymous said...

Malays can only work with govt dept, GLCs or crony companies that do govt project or have monopoly (Sapura, Celcom, MRCB, Alam Flora, Syabas, MAS, I&P, Sime Darby etc.) And they screw up. They still cannot survive on their own, compete on their own. Now oil money is drying up, Malays are in trouble.

The question is do the Malays care? Here is another Malay proverb : 'Biar putih tulang jangan putih mata". Also another one : "Biar mati anak jangan mati adat". This means they will not allow Chinese to be VC of any IPTA. It must be Malay only. Even if Malay Vice Chancellor, Malay professor 2nd class or 3rd class, they dont care, it must be Melayu. They dont care. For ever the 2nd class Malay professor cannot teach their children to become 1st class univ grads, the Malays dont care. "Biar anak Melayu bodoh pun takpa, asalkan VC dan professor adalah Melayu, walaupun professor Melayu 2nd class atau 3rd class". UMNO calls this "ketuanan Melayu". The Chinese, Indians quietly laughing at this ketuanan melayu. They know that 'ketuanan melayu' is a secret code that really means 'kebodohan melayu'. The more 'ketuanan Melayu' they want, the more 'kebodohan' actually happens. The Malays who read this will not care. They just dont care. Biar putih tulang, jangan putih mata.

The Malays want more and more religion in the school. That one they will never fgive up. Even if it is not making them getting better joibs or useful skills they dont care. Same argument : Biar mati anak, jangan mati adat. You think you want to help them? You want to think again? Let them be where they are. Let them become poorer and poorer. Then buy their land from them. That is what the Chinese have been doing.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 12:54:00 PM

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