
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Wednesday, August 16, 2017

So Pak Lah knows the truth, but why didn’t he speak out?

YOURSAY | 'By keeping silent, it is like witnessing a crime and not reporting it.'
Anonymous #37634848: A royal commission of inquiry (RCI) probing a three-decades-old forex (foreign exchange) scandal, the removal of Mukhriz Mahathir as the menteri besar of Kedah, and now the raid on Mokhzani Mahathir's companies etc, are clear indications of a political assault on former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
Add this to the IC attack by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, it is clear that Umno/BN has sunk to the lowest of the low.
They forget that they are attacking an ex-PM of 22 years. There is no decency or 'Malayness' left in them.
Sadly for Malaysia, we are led by people without any wisdom or compassion. Even sadder is that the rakyat are passive and immune to all these injustices perpetrated in this nation.
Rick Teo: Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (Pak Lah), if you know the truth, then it is incumbent on you to reveal the truth. There is no worse sin than to remain silent and see an injustice taking place.
Cogito Ergo Sum: Pak Lah, that is an irresponsible statement coming from a man who had held the highest office in the country. If you have pertinent information on the matter, you owe it to the people to divulge it to the nation.
By keeping silent after saying that “you know”, it is like witnessing a crime and not reporting it. That in itself is a criminal act.
How do you want to be remembered? As the man who kept quiet and let an allegedly criminal act go unpunished, or the man who redeemed himself after a lethargic career?
6th Generation Immigrant: So, shouldn't the RCI subpoena Abdullah immediately for a full initial statement of events if he claims he knows everything about the forex episode?
After all, he was part of the cabinet when Mahathir was PM, as deputy prime minister and then prime minister after Mahathir retired.
Why waste money and time? Let's get straight to the facts. Obviously, the oath of office means nothing in Malaysia to all politicians (do not bother swearing allegiances after GE14, they mean nothing) as no one has offered to or told truths at all, throughout the 50 years of independence.
Can Abdullah now understand why the rakyat had gotten tired of him within his first term as PM, despite achieving the best electoral results when he first replaced Mahathir?
Anonymous 459: Yes, Pak Lah says he knows the truth, why isn't he summoned to give evidence to the RCI?
This is what happens when you use non-objective criteria to judge a matter or a person. And this raises the question, why did Umno sweep this matter under the carpet?
Rm2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: Abdullah, you say that you know, and yet refuse to tell what you know. You might as well say that you don't know, or at best, say, “No comments.”
FairMind: As a former prime minister of Malaysia, the rakyat expect you to speak up and take action for the good of the rakyat, instead of murmuring "I know, I know." That's not what the rakyat expect from a statesman.
By remaining silent, people will think that you were also involved with tycoon Jho Low during your time as PM, going by the correspondence revealed by Sarawak Report.
Raja Chulan: Being a PM of a country is a job with responsibilities. Abdullah slept while his people ran riot and did as they wished.
The country wasted many years and went into 'slumber', with the present kleptomaniac also having a good time during Abdullah's reign.
For now, Abdullah thinks “he knows the truth” is likely a means to extract more ‘dedak’ (animal feed) and get even with Dr M. How pathetic Umno and its leaders have become.
Anonymous_1431954960: Pak Lah, if you know the truth, why didn't you reveal it to all Malaysians and the world at large earlier, especially when you were the PM? Why didn't you take action when you were the PM?
If you know the truth that there's alleged crime being committed and no action has been taken by you to rectify and to punish the perpetrators, do you think you're qualified and capable to be PM?
It implies you've been cheating the Malaysians all this while. You're not qualified to be PM of Malaysia as you've no integrity because you'd be hiding a big crime you claim to know has been committed by someone.
Thus, it is obvious you'd be committing a crime yourself because you know a crime has taken place but you've never lodged a police report so that perpetrators can be charged.
Fair&Just: Indeed, how childish of Pak Lah. This is not the actions of a real statesman, what more an ex-PM of this country.
No wonder this country is the worst in Southeast Asia, even Vietnam and Cambodia are catching up.
Worldly Wise: When human beings group together, there is always some politics within the group. But now the nation is affected.
Without resolving the 1MDB scandal, why is Prime Minister Najib Razak going on a vendetta into investigating forex deals in which he, as cabinet minister at the time, was also in the know?
Discovery: Pak Lah, you had your chance, but you screwed up big time. You have no courage to do the right thing, and we are where we are today because of you.
Dr M screwed things up and we were hoping you would do the right thing to put this country back on its feet. That's why you won with a landslide in GE11. But it turns out, you are a coward.

Ikan Merah: In Malaysia's version of the three monkeys, one sees nothing, one says nothing, the third hears nothing, and the fourth says, “I know, I know, but let me go back to sleep.” - Mkini

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