
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Money changer, employee injured in Kajang shooting


KUALA LUMPUR: A local woman and her Pakistani employee were seriously injured after they were believed to have been shot at while at a bus stop in Bandar Teknologi, Kajang, last night.
In the incident which took place at 9.35pm, the 61-year-old, who owns a money changing company, was injured on her jaw while her employee sustained an injury on the chin.
Kajang district police chief ACP Ahmad Dzaffir Mohd Yussof said they would undergo surgery at the Kajang Hospital today to remove the bullets.
He said they were attacked when the woman stopped at a bus stop to allow her worker to disembark. The suspect was believed to have approached them in a Proton Waja.
“The suspect shot at the victims several times, injuring them,” he said when contacted by Bernama.
Ahmad Dzaffir said the victims were sent to the Kajang Hospital for treatment and that police found several bullet casings at the scene. -FMT

1 comment:

  1. Terma ksih banyak kpd teman sy yg ada di singapura..! berkat postingan dia di halaman facebook TKI Sukses sy baca. sy bsa kenal nma nya Mbah Suro Guru spiritual PESUGIHAN ANKA GHAIB TOGEL 2D sampai 6D dan PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB. . pikir-pikir kurang lebih 7 tahun kerja jd Tkw di Hongkong hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata ini selalu menharap tp tdk ada hasil sm sekali. Mana lagi dapat majikan galak. salah sedikit kena marah lagi . Tiap bulan dapat gaji hanya separoh saja . . itu pun tdk cukup biaya anak di kampung. Tp sy beranikan diri tlpon nmr beliau untuk minta bantuan nya. melalui PESUGIHAN DANA GHAIB Nya . syukur Alhamdulillah benar2 terbukti sekarang. terima kasih ya allah atas semua rejeki mu ini. Sy sudah bs pulang ke kmpung halaman buka usha skrg. jk tman minat ingin tlpn beliau . ini nmr nya +62 82354640471 & 082354640471 siapa tau anda bisa di bantu dan cocok sprti sy .


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