
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 30, 2018

Nazir Razak wants Anti-Fake News Bill deferred

Prominent banker Nazir Abdul Razak has called for the Anti-Fake News Bill tabled in Parliament to be deferred.
In an Instagram post yesterday evening, the brother of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said the bill should be thoroughly debated before being implemented.
"As much as I abhor fake news, the Anti-Fake News Bill should be deferred. It must be comprehensively drafted and debated. It mustn't be rushed.
"This is about basic rights of individual expression, and instilling fear of such draconian punishment based on ambiguous definitions will retard our society," Nazir wrote.
The text accompanied a snapshot of two newspaper reports on the said bill.
As of 11.30 last night, the post had garnered 1,795 likes and 86 comments.
While some of his Instagram followers supported Nazir's call, there were those who told him to relay the message straight to his brother Najib, instead of taking to social media.
This is not the first time Nazir has written about national issues on his Instagram account. He had previously expressed concerns about the 1MDB, Felda investments and the suspension of The Edge, among others.
The debate on the Anti-Fake News Bill will continue in Parliament on Monday. Mkini

1 comment:

    Salam sejahterah bagi kita semua...
    Mohon maaf bilah kedatangan saya mengganggu. Perkenalkan nama saya agus sodikin asal surabaya seorang mantan TKI dulu kerja di pabrik triplek malaysia selama 4 tahun lamanya. Singkat cerita.. Saya sangat berterima kasih kpd pak h.cahyono atas bantuan beliau melalui pemasangan nombor togel 6D nya alhamdulillah saya menang RM,450.000 selama 3X pusingan, saya tidak menyangka kalau saya bisa seperti ini dan ini semua berkat bantuan pak h.cahyono, saya yang dulunya bukan siapa-siapa bahkan saya juga selalu dihina orang alhamdulillah kini sekarang saya sudah punya rumah dan usaha sendiri. Saya tidak tau harus berbuat apa untuk membalas kebaikan beliau karna banyaknya orang yg perna saya pon dari google untuk minta bantuannya tidak ada satu pun yg berhasil malah hutang saya tambah banyak. Beliau juga bisa bantu melalui Uang gaib/Bank gaib tanpa tumbal, Uang balik, Pelet, Pelaris, Nomer togel 3D/4D/6D.. Bagi saudara yg diluar negri maupun dalam negri butuh bantuan beliau jangan takut atau maluh segerah pon pak h.cahyono di nombor +6285 213 737 273 / WhatsApp 085213737273 insya alloh beliau pasti membantu anda seperti saya. Demi alloh inilah kisah nyata sye.. Sekian dan terima kasih atas tumpangannya semoga dengan adanya pesan singkat ini bisa bermanfaat...


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