
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, April 20, 2018

Syed Akbar’s Plan To Get Umno Deregistered

In the event Umno and Barisan Nasional win GE14, which is what is going to happen, these Trojan Horses such as Rafidah and Rais will then demand Najib’s resignation. This was actually what they tried in 2015. But after Mukhriz was forced to resign as MB in early February, and Mahathir merajuk and resigned from Umno later that month, they tried ousting Najib and Umno from the outside…and still failed.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
(FMT) – Sixteen Umno members today took their party to court to challenge its validity, saying it had failed to hold party elections for the last five years.
The 16 claimed that Umno had not held party elections for its division and central leaderships and that this violated the party’s constitution.
They are seeking a court order that the decision of the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to grant Umno an extension of time to postpone its election to October next year is invalid.

Syed Akbar’s plan is to get Umno declared illegal and deregistered like what Mahathir did 30 years ago in 1988

Yes, they did this in 1988 when Umno was ‘successfully’ declared illegal and Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad got rid of Team B by setting up and registering a new party called Umno Baru. So, said Syed Akbar Ali a.k.a. The Moron, if it can work in 1988 then why not try to do it again and for the second time in 30 years get Umno declared illegal? Then Umno will not be able to contest the 14th General Election on 9th May 2018.
Syed Akbar did not win the coveted title of ‘The Moron’ without having to work hard for it. And it takes a moron to come out with a plan on how to get Umno deregistered just days before GE14. And only a moron will recycle the 1988 move to get Umno deregistered with a hope it can work yet again.

Rafidah Aziz and Rais Yatim were asked to remain in Umno as Trojan Horses or moles

And to make sure it succeeds, they asked their Trojan Horses or moles such as Rafidah Aziz and Rais Yatim to be amongst those who raise this matter.
By now it is very visible that Rafidah and Rais are anti-Najib Razak and pro-Mahathir Mohamad. So what are they still doing in Umno? They were asked to remain in Umno as Trojan Horses or moles because it is better to attack Najib and Umno from the inside than from the outside.

Mahathir is a broken man who cannot accept defeat

In the event Umno and Barisan Nasional win GE14, which is what is going to happen, these Trojan Horses such as Rafidah and Rais will then demand Najib’s resignation. This was actually what they tried in 2015. But after Mukhriz Mahathir was forced to resign as the Kedah Menteri Besar in early February, and Mahathir merajuk and resigned from Umno later that month, they tried ousting Najib and Umno from the outside.
But they could still not oust Najib and Umno so Mahathir told ‘his people’ in Umno to not resign and to remain in Umno and then try to bring down Najib and Umno from the inside.
Malays have a word or phrase for this, which is not polite to use in mixed company. Rest assured that that word is worse than Mahathir’s favourite phase, makan dedak. It is even worse than the Chinese phrase, running dog, or the Indian phrase, pariah of the highest degree.

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