
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 29, 2019

The MACC Will Protect Guan Eng Until The Vote-Of-No-Confidence Against Mahathir Is Over

The ‘why’ is simple. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad needs DAP to ensure that Anwar Ibrahim’s planned vote of no confidence against him in Parliament will not get support. If Mahathir allows the MACC to arrest Lim Guan Eng then DAP may swing over to Anwar. So, the AGC has been asked to stand down and not act against Guan Eng.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
It has been some time since the expose regarding the Penang Undersea Tunnel was made. In the first four pages of Zarul Ahmad Mohd Zulkifli’s statement to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), which you can read below, he declared he is making his confession voluntarily and that there was no coercion and neither was he tortured or forced to confess.
It must be noted that since then he has not made any other confession contradictory to the confession recorded by the MACC in January 2018.
In the rest of Zarul’s confession, which has already been published before this, he goes into great detail about what happened. In short, Mohamed Nazri Abdul Aziz introduced him to Lim Guan Eng and from there they made a deal involving billions. Zarul also listed down those people he bribed, how and when he bribed them, and the amounts involved.

Zarul confessed he paid bribes amounting to RM22 million to get the MACC to drop the case

Even more interesting is his confession that he paid bribes amounting to RM22 million to close the MACC investigation. The case was first investigated in January 2018 and thereafter bribes were paid to various people to settle the case under the table. In May 2018, Pakatan Harapan won the general election and after that the case was closed and marked NFA (no further action).
Now, all this happened since January 2018 or over the last 15 months. But for 15 months nothing has happened. Over that same 15 months, though, the MACC, PDRM, and AGC, have acted on many new cases that have cropped up since or after January 2018.
For example, cases against former Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and former First Lady Rosmah Mansor cropped up after June 2018 and yet they are proceeding at a rapid pace. Why are they pushing ahead with cases that are new while the case involving the Penang Undersea Tunnel is being kept in cold storage?
They may argue that Najib’s and Rosmah’s cases involve a huge amount of money so these cases need to be expedited. But then the Penang Undersea Tunnel cost is huge as well, in the end probably involving RM20 billion or RM30 billion if the gross development value plus the potential profit of the Gurney Drive land is taken into consideration.

The AGC is going after Najib on the RM42 million SRC case but refuses to act against Guan Eng on the multi-billion undersea tunnel case

Anyway, since when does importance of cases depend on amounts or value? Bribes are bribes and crimes are crimes. And is not the SRC International case they are trying to pin on Najib merely RM42 million? Is RM42 million bigger and more important than the RM6.3 billion tunnel and the tens of billions more that come with the tunnel project?
Take the so-called RM90 million bribe that Najib was alleged to have paid Abdul Hadi Awang and a few other PAS leaders. That was just a blog posting by Sarawak Report. Clare Rewcastle Brown did not have any documents/evidence or claimed she had evidence. She just said she believes or reckons this may have happened.
But that mere blog posting with no evidence — which is based on what Clare believes or reckons may have happened — was enough to trigger an investigation. The MACC interrogated and took statements from dozens of people. Bank statements, cheque books and documents were confiscated to ‘assist’ in the investigation.
The MACC left no stone unturned in trying to discover the truth. Clare claimed she received the information regarding the RM90 million bribe from Ambiga Sreenevasan. Clare also claimed Husam Musa had personally seen the cheque for an amount of RM90 million — a single cheque for RM90 million — signed by Najib and made out in the name of Abdul Hadi Awang.

The MACC refuses to close the file on Clare Brown’s RM90 million bribe story while they refuse to act on Guan Eng’s bribery case

Surely a single cheque for RM90 million is very easy to trace. Just go ask the bank for a copy of the cashed cheque. Husam even mentioned the bank’s name so what’s the big deal?
The MACC spent so much time and effort investigating a blog posting based on belief with no evidence whatsoever. In the end they found nothing. But they refuse to act on the Penang Undersea Tunnel although the person who paid the bribes has already confessed and gave details involving time, date, place and persons who received the bribes.
When the RM90 million bribe to PAS story collapsed, the MACC still refused to drop the case. They refuse to close the file and mark it NFA. The MACC is still keeping the file open. Why? Since the MACC investigation did not uncover evidence that Najib paid Hadi and other PAS leaders RM90 million why keep the file open?
Then, when Anwar Ibrahim said Rameli Musa paid Clare RM1.4 million to settle the RM90 million story suit out of court, the MACC straight away sprang into action again. Two dozen people were interrogated and their statements recorded. Documents, bank statements and cheque books were confiscated.

Guan Eng is safe as long as Mahathir needs DAP to block Anwar’s vote of no confidence in Parliament

Lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu confirmed that Rameli Musa paid Clare RM1.4 million and that the cheque was signed in front of him. Americk also said the letter declaring that the RM1.4 million is an out-of-court settlement for the RM90 million story suit was to facilitate in getting Bank Negara’s approval to bring the money out of Malaysia. In short, the RM1.4 million was not really an out-of-court settlement but declared as an out-of-court settlement to make Bank Negara happy.
The MACC, again, investigated the RM1.4 million matter until ke lubang cacing but found nothing, just like they found nothing regarding the RM90 million ‘bribe’. Both the RM90 million allegation and the RM1.4 million story came to a dead end. But the MACC refuses to close the file and mark them NFA. Meanwhile, the massive multi-billion Penang Undersea Tunnel corruption scandal is still in cold storage.

Guan Eng is Mahathir’s protection against Anwar

The ‘why’ is simple. Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad needs DAP to ensure that Anwar Ibrahim’s planned vote of no confidence against him in Parliament will not get support. If Mahathir allows the MACC to arrest Guan Eng then DAP may swing over to Anwar. So, the AGC has been asked to stand down and not act against Guan Eng.
And this is causing a serious internal problem in the AGC because not everyone is happy with that decision. There are even some in the AGC who want Tommy Thomas ousted. And in the MACC as well some officers are upset that they are going all out to get Hadi on the RM90 million and RM1.4 million allegations (that have already been investigated and have proven false) while they are doing nothing on the Penang Undersea Tunnel corruption scandal.

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