
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, March 10, 2019

The PAS Issue: Anwar’s Game Of Distraction

DAP would be well-advised to “stay neutral”. If not, some of their leaders would be sharing the same block with Anwar in the Sungai Buloh prison. No, the Penang undersea tunnel corruption investigation would probably still remain KIV or NFA. That matter will just be used as a threat to keep DAP in line and to remind them that kissing Anwar would be the kiss of death.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Since the beginning of this year, the attacks on PAS have intensified. It is to be expected that the non-Malays would attack PAS. The non-Malays are scared of Islam or hate Islam — or both. So, by extension, they hate PAS as well, and hence are attacking PAS, meaning attacking Islam as well.
Anyway, if you believe in Islam, then you will know that Allah had already warned this would happen. Islam says non-Muslims will not be happy until Muslims abandon Islam and follow the way of the kafir.
But let us not talk about theology. Today the discussion is on politics. Why are the non-Malays increasing their attacks on PAS?
Many non-Malay writers have already explained why. They see the PAS-Umno alliance as a threat to the non-Malays. More than 100 of the 222 parliament seats are Malay-majority seats (with 57 seats from East Malaysia, mostly Bumiptera or native-majority seats). Five states are Malay-majority states and two more Bumiputera-majority.

A PAS-Umno combination is bad news for Pakatan Harapan

These same non-Malay writers also said, while 95% of the Chinese and Indians voted Pakatan Harapan, 70-75% of the Malays voted for Umno and PAS. If the Malay vote for Umno and PAS increases to 80-85%, that means Pakatan Harapan will be kicked out.
Yes, the non-Malays will not swing. Around 95% will still vote for Pakatan Harapan come hell or high water and even how corrupt the DAP leaders may be. It is the Malay votes that they are worried about. And if PAS and Umno combine forces with PPBM, then the non-Malays are totally finished. The Chinese will be back as the opposition and will remain so until the end of time.
But that is only part of the reason they are attacking PAS. An even more important reason is they want this issue to distract everyone from an even bigger event that is brewing behind the scenes. And that bigger event is the Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad-Anwar Ibrahim power-struggle.

PAS leaders are not bangsat or penniless like how the non-Malays imagine

Anwar and gang are playing up the “Najib Tun Razak gave PAS RM90 million” story, the “PAS paid Clare Rewcastle-Brown RM1.4 million” story, the “PAS leaders drive expensive cars” story, etc. In short, they are saying the PAS leaders are corrupt. Even Wong Chun Wai of The Star wrote about this today. But then being Chinese and a DAP stooge this is to be expected of Chun Wai.
Just to digress a bit, PAS people have been driving so-called “expensive cars” since the 1970s. Some PAS people have been living in brick bungalows when many Chinese were still living in wooden houses in new villages and the Indians still living in estate quarters. Many PAS people go to Mekah every year and sometimes twice a year (Haj and Umrah).
No, the PAS people are not bangsat like how the Chinese and Indians imagine. And do not think that the only way Malays can have money would be if they are corrupt — if not then Malays would be penniless. That is just like saying all Indians are drunks and all Chinese are dishonest businessmen.

The main reason Anwar is distracting Malaysians is because of his power-struggle with Mahathir

Anyway, why are Anwar and gang playing up the “Najib Tun Razak gave PAS RM90 million”, the “PAS paid Clare Rewcastle-Brown RM1.4 million”, the “PAS leaders drive expensive cars”, and so on stories? This is called the game of distraction.
Anwar wants people to focus on this issue instead of focusing on the power struggle between him and Mahathir. Anwar is in trouble and he does not want people talking about it. PAS has openly pledged support for Mahathir in the event Anwar tries to oust him. Umno, too, has done the same. And in less than a month PPBM is going to be set up in Sabah and most ex-Umno people will be joining that party.
That means PAS, Umno, Sabah and Sarawak are with Mahathir. And Anwar was hoping that PAS, Umno, Sabah and Sarawak would support him instead. So, it is game-over for Anwar. Not only can he now not oust Mahathir, Anwar will be lucky if he does not end up in jail for Sodomy 3.

Would DAP take the risk in supporting Anwar with the corruption cases hanging over their head

But what about DAP? With PKR, DAP and Amanah, is that not enough to oust Mahathir?
DAP will also have to think twice about crossing Mahathir. The MACC has relaunched the investigation into the Penang undersea tunnel corruption. And all Mahathir has to do is to give the nod and Lim Guan Eng and a number of other DAP leaders would be roasted just like a suckling pig.
DAP would be well-advised to “stay neutral”. If not, some of their leaders would be sharing the same block with Anwar in the Sungai Buloh prison. No, the Penang undersea tunnel corruption investigation would probably still remain KIV or NFA. That matter will just be used as a threat to keep DAP in line and to remind them that kissing Anwar would be the kiss of death.

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