
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 29, 2019

Zunar should be as critical of Pakatan if he sticks to principles, says cartoonist group

PETALING JAYA: Political cartoonist Zunar should be as critical of the new government as he was with the previous Barisan Nasional administration, says Cartoonists Rights Network International executive director Robert Russel.
In an interview with CNN, Russel said Zunar, who real name is Zulkiflee Anwar Haque, successfully created influential cartoons as they undercut the previous governments' efforts to present itself as a clean and legitimate administration.
However, he now faces a situation similar to that of other dissident cartoonists when their former oppressors leave office.
"Even with Zunar's heroes ... now in a new government, he's going to start drawing the same cartoons about them," Russell told CNN.
"This is not necessarily a happy ending. If Zunar is true to his roots, he will be as ruthless with the new government, as any (other) government," he said.
CNN's report highlighted how Zunar and Fahmi Reza were pivotal in Barisan losing federal power in the 14th General Election.
Both cartoonists faced tussles with the law, including charges under the Sedition Act and Communications and Multimedia Act, over satirising former prime minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor.
"The medium of cartooning is (a) very powerful medium," Zunar told CNN.
"Everywhere, in any country you go, (cartoonists) get killed. Cartoonists get arrested, put in jail everywhere because of the medium," he said.
Fahmi said the use of satire and humour were effective because it "breaks the fear barrier".
"People have always been afraid to speak out. The culture of fear is always there; the culture of self-censorship is always there. That's where satire and humour can be the most effective tool; it makes people less afraid," he told CNN.
Since Pakatan Harapan assumed federal power, charges against the two men have been dropped, and they said they feel considerably freer under the new government.
However, they noted that Pakatan has yet to deliver true reform.
"(The government is) more tolerant toward online dissent and criticism – and even insults," Fahmi said.
Zunar said Pakatan's faced an important task of repairing the damage done by Barisan.
He said is willing to give them time to deliver, but as for the future, "we don't know yet."- Star


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    2. Saya bapak fikri maaf jika saya lancang komen,saya cuma mau kasih info,bagi anda yang punya masalah ekonomi atau lagi di lilit hutang,saya cuma mau kasi solusi,barankali bisa mengikuti jejak saya,sebenarnya saya tidak perna percaya adanya pesugihan,tapi dengan keadaan sangat susah,apalagi di lilit hutang apa boleh buat,jadi saya minta bantuan sama Mbah Budianto,beliau kasi pesugihan uang gaib 5 milyar,alhamdulillah impian saya sudah tercapai,ini semua atas bantuan Mbah Budianto,saya bebas dari hutang bahkan sudah punya usaha,inilah dukun yang bisa di percya karna memberikan bukti,anda mau sukses seperti saya,silahkan konsultasi sama Mbah Budianto dengan cara hubungi no hp 082-333-257-999 atau kunjung website


    3. Kai nak berniaga / promising pergi tempt lain la..Jangan kacau Blog dining..Faham !!!!

  2. Woi bapa taik fikri,pergi mampusla.sini Bukan tempat untuk menipu


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