
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, December 16, 2019

Altantuya Murder - Policemen Obey Orders. Malu Apa Boss Ku ?? Boleh Kena Hukum Gantung.

Here is something explosive. Azilah Hadri has at last spoken up to spill some beans. He says now that both Najib Razak and Razak Baginda gave him orders / instructions to kill Altantuya Shaaribuu. 

No point vilifying Azilah Hadri too much - he has made a written application to the Federal Court (in black and white).  These folks are not very clever. They are picked for their physical fitness and sharpshooting skills - not for their IQ or intelligence levels. 

This is a scoop by R Nadeswaran. Here is the news :

EXCLUSIVE | Convicted killer Azilah Hadri made explosive allegation from death row
order to kill Altantuya came from Najib and close associate Razak Baginda

admitting for 1st time that he and Sirul Azhar Umar killed Mongolian 
claimed he was merely following explicit “shoot to kill” 

details in application filed by Azilah seeking Federal Court review 
of conviction, death sentence imposed on him and Sirul

seeking retrial to provide full evidence in open court 
court fixed tomorrow for case management

Azilah claimed suppression of evidence in High Court, Court of Appeal

Here is the video :

My comments :

The Altantuya trials were all shams. 

I can reveal now that a former IGP told me (Tan Sri I lost my fone last year and lost your contact, I hope you can contact me - my number has not changed) that in the midst of their investigations they found grounds to recommend some names to be charged over Altantuya's death - which did happen.  

What was NOT fully produced in Court were the telephone records (of incoming and outgoing calls)  between the telephones of certain people on the night of the murder. Those telephone records must now be fully exposed in Court. 

On the night of Altantuya's death who made phone calls to whom? 

Policemen obey orders. 
Do not blame these cops too much. 
They were told that Altantuya was a spy and that she must be destroyed. 
"Shoot to kill".

After they had carried out their orders, for a 100% certainty these two Policemen called a superior officer to report that mission was accomplished.

That superior officer then must have made phone calls to other people - to confirm that Altantuya had been killed. Mission accomplished.

The 'other people' here MUST be the people who gave the instructions to kill Altantuya.

In the first Altantuya trials one of the most important witnesses - a Policeman - was not called to give testimony.  That was the age of "I scratch your back you scratch my back". Predictably that trial resulted in an acquittal. 

My conclusion :  My conclusion is addressed to the former KSN Tan Sri Ali Hamsa, former AG Ghani Patail, that frog woman former spy chief, the former IGPs and after that to the following present day Civil Servants :

1. the present AG Tan Sri Tommy Thomas
2. the present IGP Tan Sri Hamid Bador
3. the present KSN (sorry bro don't know your face)
4. the present spy chiefs
5. the present Chief Justice(s)
6. the present chief of Bank Negara
7. the present Auditor General
8. the present Solicitor general
9. the present Immigration chief
10. the present Customs chief 
etc etc.

Here is some really good advice : 

Do not be made fools by the politicians. 
Even if it is by the Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

The Civil Service chiefs were always pro BN. 
That was a basic requirement - otherwise they would not be promoted. 

The big mistake made by some of the earlier Civil Service Chiefs was that they thought the BN would never lose the elections. 

They thought that after 63 years (since the Alliance won the first general elections held on 27 July, 1955) the BN (the successor to the Alliance) would rule for another 63 years. 

They had a  'sun never sets on the British Empire' type of feeling.

Then suddenly - bang - we had the May 9th, 2018 earthquake.
The BN was kicked out of office.  The sun had set on the Barisan Nasional. 

Dr Mahathir became the PM again. 
Then suddenly  - another big bang.
By 2019  Tun Dr Mahathir has become U-Tun. 
Janji tidak boleh ditepati.
Semua sudah jadi capati.

Bang again - the Pakatan Harapan has become the Pakatan Haprak.
The Pakatan Haprak lost the Tg Piai by-election by over 15,000 votes.

Believe me the Pakatan Harapan will not survive the next three years.
Even if they do most certainly the Pakatan Harapan is not going to survive the next general elections.

Who will come into power next? 
At this point in time we really don't know.

Who will be the next prime minister?
We really don't know.

So to the Civil Service - jangan buat kerja bodoh.

Do not simply follow the stupid instructions of the politicians.

Esok, when the politicians are in trouble or when they lose the elections - they will just forget about you. 

Instead it is you who will be left with your pants down. 
You will feel a hot breeze blowing up your backside.  

Remember that frog woman ex spy chief? I think she will be going to jail.

Now Azilah Hadri is going to point names and name fingers.

Azilah has asked for a re-trial. I hope the re-trial happens fast. The real culprits and all the supporting actors in the murder of Altantuya Shaaribuu are going to be named, shamed and maybe charged in Court also - for murder. 

This will include some Policemen who were involved in the background. 

The same thing with the abduction of Amri Che Mat, Pastor Koh, Helmy, Ruth and others. 

Within 48 hours of the BN losing the elections on May 9th 2018, one Policeman involved in the abduction panicked and confessed the crime to the wife of Amri Che Mat. That case is not closed. Whoever was involved in those abductions better go and confess your roles and strike some deal. Otherwise - lima tahun lagi atau 10 tahun lagi - suddenly someone will bocor rahsia and then you will kena. So to the Civil Servants, especially the chiefs of the Civil Service, better be 100% professional and ethical in carrying out your duties.

Jangan ikut arahan songsang daripada ahli politik dan Menteri separuh masak. 
Esok hari Menteri dan ahli politik boleh kalah pilihanraya atau lenyap dari muka bumi. 

Then it is you who will be left with your pants down, backside exposed to the wind, trying to explain why you did the stupid things the politicians asked you to do. 

So sekarang kita tunggulah kes rayuan Azilah Hadri. 

Maybe now R Nadeswaran should quickly interview Sirul Azhar who ran away to Australia. 

Maybe now Sirul Azhar in Australia will also speak up about who gave him instructions to kill Altantuya Shaaribuu. Lets close this case. 

And then open the next case - Amri Che Mat, Pastor Koh, Helmy, Ruth and others.  

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