
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, December 21, 2019


As far as Deepak Jaikishan is concerned, the statutory declaration (SD) implicating Najib Abdul Razak in the murder of Altantuya Shaariibuu contains the truth.
He also said Azilah Hadri is not the first person to expose the former premier’s alleged wrongdoing after the last general election.
Prior to this, the carpet merchant – who was once a close associate of Najib and his wife Rosmah Mansor – said these individuals feared reprisals.
Deepak was responding to Najib claiming that the SD, which accused him of ordering the killing of the Mongolian national, was a political plot to silence him.
“He (Azilah) is not the only one who has come out [to reveal issues] after Najib is no longer the PM.
“Many senior government officers have testified in court about Najib’s involvement in corruption, SRC (International) and 1MDB (cases).
“We are not talking about one or two people. Many have come out to disclose information… (including former auditor-general) Ambrin Buang,” he told Malaysiakini in an interview.
Like them, the businessperson said Azilah (photo), a former police Special Action Unit (UTK) officer, did not have the opportunity to reveal the purported truth.
In 2015, the Federal Court reinstated Azilah and another former UTK member Sirul Azhar Umar’s conviction and death sentence for the murder.
Sirul, however, fled to Australia after the Court of Appeal acquitted the pair 2013.
Last week, Malaysiakini reported that Azilah, who is on death row in Kajang prison, had filed the SD with regard to his application seeking a re-trial and review of the Federal Court’s judgment.
“When Najib was PM and Azilah was sentenced to death, he took a bullet for this matter. He could not go against the PM,” alleged Deepak.
“Sirul was a bit smarter, he ran off to Australia because he knew that Australia had certain laws against the death sentence but in the case of Azilah, he didn’t think that far.
“But now he has to clear his name. It is not just about Azilah committing a murder, Azilah’s next seven generations will bear the brunt that he killed someone, the stigma to the family,” he added.
‘She was pregnant with Najib’s son’
Deepak also made a startling allegation that Najib ordered the murder because Altantuya was pregnant with his son.
Asked how he knew about this, the businessperson claimed that Rosmah had informed him.
When pointed out that Sirul previously stated that Altantuya was not pregnant while Azilah also did not mention this in his SD, Deepak implied that Sirul cannot be trusted.
“Sirul has made various statements which have served different prime ministers, and different parties who lobbied to him.
“I don’t think you can take Sirul’s total word for it. You have to go and look at people who have been consistent about it, people who know…,” he added.
Asked why Azilah’s allegations should be believed when Deepak claimed Sirul cannot be trusted, the carpet merchant insisted that Najib ordered the killing and it was because Altantuya was pregnant.
“Let us put everything aside. Can you give me one rational reason why Najib (allegedly) ordered the murder?”
“Najib is right, he says ‘I got many political enemies, why didn’t I murder them’. They were not pregnant with his son. As simple as that,” he added.
Deepak also alleged that Najib ordered the murder because of Rosmah.
“Rosmah created a big havoc in the house when she found out about Altantuya.
“I think it was three or four days before the murder that she found out about Altantuya’s involvement with Najib, and that there was a child,” he claimed.
Najib: Utter rubbish
In an immediate response to Malaysiakini, the former premier had two words to describe Deepak’s allegations: “Utter rubbish.”
“Do you expect this person to only divulge this ‘little bit of info’ only now after more than 13 years and years after he wrote his various books?” he asked.
Najib has repeatedly maintained that he has never met Altantuya. However, in his SD, Azilah claimed that the former premier and the latter’s close associate met the deceased in London.
This afternoon, Najib performed a sumpah laknat, which is an oath beseeching God to curse those who are in the wrong, to deny the allegations in Azilah’s SD and reiterated that he never met the Mongolian national.
Deepak, however, dismissed this as an attempt at manipulation.
“I am shocked because he (Najib) says he never did it and he will be cursed if he is lying. But he is already cursed, he can’t be cursed again.
“He has been cursed at the worst by the Almighty. Isn’t it obvious to him that he doesn’t need to be cursed again?
“He has come to a point that he wants to come to a masjid (mosque), to a house of God, and lie…
“Simply because he wants history to prove him not guilty, hoping that one day, his party and his people (would) come to power (again). There is enough evidence to charge him, he must be charged,” he added.
‘I suffered for what I did’
Deepak also claimed that he is pursuing this issue to ensure that justice is served.
“I made a vow that no matter what, even if Najib destroys me, I will make sure she gets her justice we are almost there,” he said.
Asked what had changed when he had played a key role in the alleged conspiracy to cover-up the murder, Deepak replied: “I suffered a lot because of what I did.”
“Before the Altantuya case, I was doing well, business was good. But because of the Altantuya case everything got bad, part of the curse came to me also.
“I know one or two individuals, I don’t want to mention their names, but they are in the doldrums for getting involved in the Altantuya matter.
“One is very sick. This Altantuya thing needs to be settled. We need to give her justice. It is because of the child, the child was totally innocent,” he added.
Previously, Deepak said Najib and Rosmah engaged him to convince the late private investigator P Balasubramaniam to retract his SD that the former premier was in a relationship with Altantuya.

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