
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 20, 2019


MILITARY veterans have lashed out at Najib Razak for “making a mockery” of the “sumpah laknat”, a religious Islamic oath, to deny allegations that he was behind the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.
In a strongly worded statement today, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (Patriot) said it was “disgusted” by the antics of the former prime minister as murder allegations are a serious matter.
It was reported that after Friday prayers today, Najib will undertake a sumpah laknat to declare his innocence after convicted killer Azilah Hadri had, in a statutory declaration, accused the former of giving the “shoot to kill” order.
Former police commando Azilah and his colleague, Sirul Azhar Umar, were sentenced to death for Altantuya’s murder.
Patriot president brigadier-general (rtd) Mohamed Arshad Raji said Najib cannot trivialise the matter like a chicken or a goat gone missing in a village and settle the matter with a “sumpah”.
“If an alleged serious crime such as murder can be settled with a mere sumpah, then any perpetrator of serious crimes, including embezzlement and white collar crimes in high office, can also get away with a sumpah, too.
“Patriot is puzzled as to why the muftis and those in the religious department have not put a stop to Najib’s antics, which clearly makes a mockery of the religion.”
Najib is expected to undertake his sumpah laknat at Masjid Jamek in Kg Baru, Kuala Lumpur, today.
According to Malay Mail Online, sumpah laknat literally means “curse swear”, and is an oath a Muslim makes to God, asking for divine retribution in the form of a curse against the other party if the latter is lying.
It is also not officially recognised in Malaysian shariah law, which is administered separately by each state, the news portal reported.
Patriot president brigadier-general (rtd) Mohamed Arshad Raji says if a serious crime such as murder can be settled with a mere sumpah, then any perpetrator of such crimes can also get away with a sumpah, too. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 20, 2019.
Patriot president brigadier-general (rtd) Mohamed Arshad Raji says if a serious crime such as murder can be settled with a mere sumpah, then any perpetrator of such crimes can also get away with a sumpah, too. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, December 20, 2019.
Sumpah laknat differs from oaths undertaken in shariah courts, usually in cases of family or inheritance disputes, where one swears by the name of God over their statement.
Meanwhile, Arshad said that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) had identified Najib as being Malaysia Official No. 1 (MO1).
“The US DoJ and the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have now named former prime minister Najib as a recipient of kickbacks from bonds raised for 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).
“Besides Najib, the SEC also mentioned there were other government officials and their families in Malaysia who received kickbacks from the more than US$2.7 billion (in 1MDB funds).
“The people want to know who those other officials and their families are, who are involved in this most repugnant and repulsive of schemes,” Arshad said.
The US regulator, in a filing on Wednesday, had named Najib as a recipient of kickbacks dished out for bonds raised by US banking giant Goldman Sachs.
The filing stated that, besides the millions of dollars transferred to shell companies controlled by 1MDB officials, a sum of US$1.3 million was used to pay a New York jeweller for jewellery bought by Najib’s wife, Rosmah Mansor.
Arshad said Patriot supported Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Latheefa Koya, who earlier this week announced that she wanted to reopen some high-profile cases that had been put in cold storage.
“The MACC must show that it is above board and its actions are independent of the executive.
“A clear message must be sent that we have zero tolerance for corruption,” the Patriot chief added.
I never met nor ordered Altantuya’s murder, Najib swears again
THOUSANDS of Muslims stayed back at Masjid Jamek in Kg Baru after Friday prayers today today to watch former prime minister Najib Razak swear, for the third time, that he did not order the murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu.
“I have never ordered the murder of Altantuya and I have never met her before.
“May Allah punish me if I have lied and may Allah punish those who have slandered me,”   said Najib.
This is the third time Najib has taken the “sumpah laknat” in a mosque on Altantuya.
The first time was in 2007 during the Ijok by-election and the second time was at the Permatang Pauh by-election in 2008.
The former Umno president was accompanied by his wife Rosmah Mansor and daughter Nooryana Najwa Najib.
Also present were Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, other Umno leaders and PAS central leadership committees.
The “sumpah laknat” literally means “curse swear”, and is an oath a Muslim makes to God, asking for divine retribution in the form of a curse against himself or another party for lying.
Before he took the oath at 2.07pm, Ustaz Husam Baderuddin told the congregation that he had explained the implications of the oath to Najib.
“I have explained the reasons and risks involved and I hope that people will not belittle this procedure as there are quarters who say that this is done for politics.
“This ceremony has fulfilled all the requirements of the religion and it is hoped that all the slander against him is lifted to Allah,” said Husam.
Clad in a white baju Melayu and black pants with a matching songkok, Najib then took to the rostrum to explain why he was making his third “sumpah laknat”.
“I have done this before at the 2007 Ijok by-election and in 2008 at the Guar Perahu Mosque during the Permatang Pauh by-election.  
“But today is the pinnacle of all the oaths I have taken in life. I know the meaning and risks involved and have decided to do this,” said the 66-year-old.
He then explained how his decision today was influenced by social media comments that the allegations against him were a farce.
Among the comments, said Najib selectively, was how could a convicted murderer such as Azilah Hadri make a statutory declaration (SD) against him while in prison.
Last week, death row inmate Azilah dropped a bombshell when he released his SD alleging Najib and his close associate Abdul Razak Baginda had ordered him to kill Altantuya.
Najib said that social media users had also ridiculed the SD.
“The second joke, according to his SD, is that I had paid him RM300 to carry out the murder. On this, social media users said it was better to take BR1M than that (RM300).
“And the third item was the suggestion that Altantuya was a Russian spy. How could she be a spy when she had made a police report? Spies usually keep a low profile,” said Najib.
After taking the oath, Najib and his wife and daughter were escorted to the mosque’s VIP room for lunch.
When met after lunch, Najib told reporters: “I have said enough today. Thank you for coming”.
– https://www.themalaysianinsight.com/

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