
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Saudi Arabian Kangaroo Court's Verdict On Khashoggi Murder

My comments :  So the Saudi Court has sentenced FIVE fellows to death. I think they will really chop off the heads of these FIVE morons.

Just like our very own Sirul Azhar and Azilah Hadri thought they could get away with murder because the politicians will protect them. Now both Sirul and Azilah have been given the death sentence.

Similarly the Saudi execution squad thought they would be saved from any legal prosecution.

Well the Saudi Arabian prosecutor's Press Release above does not even mention their names. Except for 'the 11, the five, the three etc there is no mention of any names.

This is similar to our very own Azilah Hadri and Sirul Azhar being hooded and unrecognisable each time they went to Court.  The Malaysian public did not even know what they looked like. Maybe even if they stood in line at the supermarket, you would not know these were murderers.

Until the Barisan Nasional lost the elections of course.

But the Saudi prosecutor has cleverly NOT stated WHAT HAPPENED TO KHASHOGGI'S DEAD BODY.

In any murder trial you must have the correct identity of the murder victim, you must have the remains of the dead body or knowledge of what happened to it, the murder weapon, the people who committed the murder, the place of the murder and the time of the murder.

In this Khshoggi case the biggest mystery is what happened to the dead body?

1. Did they bury it somewhere inside Turkey?
2. Did they dissolve the body in acid and flush it down the toilet?
3. Did they chop up the body to pieces and burn it to ashes?
4. Did they eat it?

Where is the body? 

They were able to identify the 31 man murder squad.
They were able to convict and sentence FIVE of them to death
They were able to sentence 3 others to jail
3 others were acquitted and 
10 were not even charged.

 if they were able to acquit 
This means the Saudi investigator had substantial amount of evidence and detailed information to resolve 31 people connected to this murder.

Yet they do not know or do not say where the body of Khashoggi is located or was was disposed.  

Plus no motive has been mentioned. 
Just like the Azilah and Sirul fellows. 
What was the motive for them killing Altantuya? 

What was the motive for 31 people to band together and murder this journalist Khashoggi?

The simple reason for NOT saying exactly how the body was disposed will further expose the Saudi Arabian government's role in the murder.   

Especially if the body was transitted through the house of the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Turkey.

This is just a sham trial to save the backside of the Clown Prince of Saudi Arabia.

Those FIVE stupid fellows may really lose their heads. 
If so they will really regret having followed the orders to murder Khashoggi.

It is just one more reason for other people to laugh at the Muslim countries.

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