
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, March 20, 2020

Absurd for gov't to deploy military on Sunday - Anwar


PKR president Anwar Ibrahim says it is absurd for the government to deploy the army this Sunday.
"This is actually absurd to me to ask the army to come in at the period where police can actually handle the situation," Anwar told CNBC today.
Defence Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said the military will be assisting the police to ensure that people abide by the movement control order.
Earlier today, police had to break up a huge crowd at a wet market in Section 17, Petaling Jaya.
The Road Transport Department has also closed down its counters after the being swarmed by the public.
Anwar said Pakatan Harapan will support the government in fighting the Covid-19 pandemic.
"We are with the government in all efforts to deal with this issue," he said.
However, he said the government lacks a clear and coherent plan to fight Covid-19.
He said more needs to be done to look after the poor and ensure that they are taken care of during the two-week movement control order period.
Anwar also criticised the government for not prohibiting religious gatherings much earlier, saying Putrajaya's attempts to look religious had resulted in late decisionmaking.
As of noon today, there are 1,030 cases of Covid-19 infections, with 26 being treated in intensive care units. - Mkini


  1. Well religion and race is their only political weapon. Do whatever you like we will clean it later attitude.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. DSAI, PN to look after the poor? Well it seems like the poor is looking after them. They are drawing fat salary. What can we expect from the people that willing to let their own countrymen die by leaving the opposition control states out of corvid meeting. Wow how inhumane.


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