
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, April 16, 2020

P Ramakrishnan: Why appoint Hadi as Special Envoy at this juncture? It doesn’t make sense!

By P Ramakrishnan.
Ramakrishnan wants to know why Hadi has been appointed as Special Envoy at this juncture? It doesn’t make sense he adds!
Well, the Malaysian rakyat would like to know too. Hadi will have unlimited travel, the expenses perks, his office, staff, accommodation, driver and bonus, will be paid by you…yes, you!
Many things that are done by the back-door government don’t make sense. Do we need a bloated cabinet? Should the Senior Minister, Ismail Sabri, who is the Defence Minister, be making all the announcements on health matters when we have a Health Minister?
While there are no answers to these questions, we are told of another appointment, that of a Special Envoy to the Middle East on 2 April 2020 with ministerial rank. What is surprising about this appointment is that this Special Envoy can’t travel to the Middle East at this moment in time to discharge his duties – whatever that be! Since he is unable to proceed to the Middle East, why make the appointment at this juncture? What is so pressing for this appointment?
The consequence of this appointment is a drain on the finances, especially when we are in dire need financially. He will have to be paid his ministerial salary, concomitant allowances and perks – for not functioning as an envoy in the designated countries. Does it make sense?
When he finally makes it to the Middle East – only God knows when – an establishment must be set up for him: building to house his office, staff to man it, servants to serve him in his residence, car and driver and what-not which would require a huge budget!
How necessary is this appointment? Presently, don’t we have ambassadors in these countries representing Malaysia? On top of that, why do we need a “special envoy with ministerial rank”?
In his role as “special envoy” he will be jet-hopping from country to country in the Middle East chalking up a huge expenditure. He needs to be put up in five-star hotels, receive travelling allowances, limousine-driven to meet heads of states, exchange impressive gifts, throw a banquet in these countries, etc. Each such trip would incur mind-boggling expenditure which will be a great drain and strain on our limited resources at this difficult time that tackling Covid-19 implies: money is sorely need to help the poor struggling to exist from hand to mouth.
What is Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang expected to achieve as “special envoy” that the present ambassadors are not able to do? Is it a ploy on the part of Prime Minister MuhyiddinYassin to get rid of him so that the PAS pressure will not be on him? If that is the case, Siberia would have been a better alternative!
To be sure, he won’t be going with remarkable credentials as a Muslim scholar after having written that purportedly infamous letter to all the Muslim leaders trying to mislead and hoodwink them with his fairy tale description of the political situation in Malaysia. These leaders know through their embassies the Malaysian political situation and the ground-level sentiments of the people on the back-door government.
They know that this back-door government would not dare to go to Parliament to legitimize its position. They know that this back-door government is not ethical in refusing to summon Parliament to secure sanction for the unprecedentedly huge loans taken for the stimulus package and how this money will be used to stimulate the economy and help businesses and industries suffering as a result of the lock-down.
Having 222 MPs scrutinizing the budget and deciding how this money should be utilized is certainly far better than 70 ministers and their deputies making a decision on such a huge outlay of public funds.
It is believed that when thieves rob their victims, they share the loot among the gang members. That’s why they band together to carry out their stealing.
What special expertise does Hadi have for this role as “special envoy” then? Going by his recent letter to the Muslim leaders, his ability to tell the truth is nothing to crow about. He goes with a tainted reputation, and to be sure, these Muslim leaders will take whatever he dishes out to them with a pinch of salt!
Should he truly be our Special Envoy to the Middle East? Perhaps, there is also another reason for this appointment. In the fashion of robbers and thieves who steal and share the loot, this back-door government has to look after all the crooked cronies who came together to topple a duly elected government of the people and betray the popular mandate.
Having stolen the government through the back-door, it is nothing surprising if Perikatan Nasional is seen to be behaving just like the thieves. The way they were distributing and sharing the wealth in making their various appointments is a way of sharing the loot. The thieves that got together to steal the government have to be rewarded.
The various leaders that came together to steal the government have to be rewarded handsomely. That’s how we have a bloated cabinet – actually it’s a crowd in the cabinet. There are 70 ministers and deputies enjoying all the salaries and perks that go with the appointments – car, driver, allowances, house rental, gardener, and what-not that would tie up to a tidy sum.
Others in the gang have also to be rewarded. New appointments as directors-general of the various ministries, chairman of GLCs and other agencies have to be made, thus mindlessly displacing those with expertise occupying these positions and doing a fine job. It’s not the national interest that counts but political interest that will ensure their power and position.
While all these appointments are being made, the taxpayers must pick up the bill, including their life-long pensions if they serve long enough to qualify! Every sen that goes into their pocket is money denied to the deserving. Whatever they are provided is done at the expense of the vast majority of the poor.
Some would conclude that this is the conduct of an uncaring government.
We are reminded of this saying: The gentleman understands what is moral. The small man understands what is profitable. 
8 April 2020
P Ramakrishnan is the long-serving former president of Aliran who served three and a half decades on its executive committee, and has been with Aliran since its inception in 1977. Now an ordinary Aliran member, he continues to highlight issues of public interest to a larger audience. - rebuilding malaysia

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