
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 6, 2020

'New habit' - Hisham apologises for vaping in Dewan Rakyat


Foreign Minister Hishammuddin Hussein apologised after being pinpointed by a netizen vaping during Parliament session this week.
“Sorry, I didn't realise - it's a new habit.
“I apologise to the Dewan (Rakyat) and promise to not do it again,” he said.
Umno's Sembrong MP issued the apology on Twitter in response to the video of the House session, in which Hishammuddin (above) could be seen taking a puff as he was seated behind Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong, who was speaking during proceedings.
The video has since been making its rounds on social media. It is believed the incident took place on Monday as Wee was delivering his winding-up speech.
Addressing the matter in the august House today, DAP's Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi said Hishammuddin should be made to apologise to the House.
This is especially since he has apologised publicly on Twitter, she added.
Deputy speaker Mohd Rashid Hasnon merely replied that the House noted the fact and “would assess the matter”.
According to the Dewan Rakyat standing order, no member shall smoke in the chamber during a sitting. The order is unclear on the matter of vaping.
Malaysia has been mulling on legislation to regulate vaping even since the BN administration in 2015. 
During the Pakatan Harapan rule, enforcement on vaping ban was still being studied. This comprised the ban on the sale of electronic cigarettes (E-cigarettes) or vape that uses liquid solutions (e-liquid) without nicotine.  - Mkini

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