
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, December 11, 2020

Pakatan Harapan did not suffer any loss in Perak


MP SPEAKS | We in Harapan have always held on to our principles and in the whole Perak episode, Harapan has not suffered any loss.

1. Since 2008, Perak has always been in the limelight due to it’s political instability. In the past three general elections, the results have shown that neither Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Harapan has the strong and sustainable majority in the State Assembly and the state has witnessed a swearing in of the menteri besar then.

2. In 2008, Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won the state by 31 to BN's 28. In 2013, BN won by the same margin (but with PR having 55 percent of the popular votes). In 2018, the election results caused even worse uncertainty. It was Harapan 29, BN 27 and PAS, three. No one party has the majority to form government on its own.

3. Finally Harapan formed the state government after two Umno elected representatives' shifted their support to have a Harapan elected representative appointed as menteri besar. The state government then had a razor thin majority of 31 seats to form the new government. It was obvious that under such circumstances it is vulnerable and will not provide the political stability needed by the people.

4. In view of the weak majority and subsequent betrayal by Bersatu, the state government fell in March 2020, barely 22 months in power. Perikatan Nasional (PN) grabbed power and formed the backdoor government without mandate from the people.

5. However, barely eight months in power, on Dec 4, 2020, Umno staged a motion of confidence in the menteri besar (with intention to show no confidence in him) in the Perak State Assembly and the motion was defeated with 48 votes against 10 votes. The MB was ousted by Umno and the the state ruler had to swear in the third menteri besar in less than three years. A new record in our nation’s history.

6. People of Perak are sick and tired of the political instability which has a far reaching negative impact on the state economy, especially during this global Covid-19 pandemic, and many are crying out for help.

Sultan Nazrin Shah

7. On Dec 5, 2020, the leaders from the two major blocks in the state i.e. Umno with 25 state assemblypersons and Harapan with 24 were granted audience by the ruler of the state, His Royal Highness Sultan Nazrin Shah, at Istana Kinta, Ipoh.

During the audience, His Royal Highness expressed in no uncertain terms his desire to see a strong and sustainable state government that would last at least until the next general election.

His Royal Highness also wanted a quick solution on the political impasse as it is in the best interest of the state of Perak.

8. In view of the above circumstances, Perak will not have a strong and sustainable state government, unless the two major blocks, which were arch enemies, work together. If the political new alignment materialises, the new Perak state government will have a solid 49 out of 59 seats in the State Legislative Assembly, thus providing the political stability badly needed in Perak.

9. On Dec 7, 2020, Umno president Ahmad Zahid Hamidi was granted audience with the Sultan Nazrin Shah at Istana Kinta. During his media conference, Zahid indicated that Umno is willing to work with any party, including Harapan, to form the next state government. After Zahid made his stand clear, only then the DAP expressed it’s willingness to open the door for negotiation.

10. During the negotiation, Umno made many offers, including offering exco posts to PKR and Amanah, but excluding the DAP. If these offers were accepted, Harapan Perak will break up as the coalition's unity will be undermined.

11. Refused to be split, Harapan Perak stood firm and informed Umno that Harapan will stand as one block and unless all three parties are included, there will be no deal.

12. In order to resolve the deadlock, Perak DAP issued a statement that the party is willing to work with Umno to form a multiracial, clean, strong and sustainable government on the condition the new coalition government must be based on integrity, good governance and without compromising on the party’s principle, that is to struggle for a just Malaysia.

This statement was issued in line with the decision made by the Harapan Presidential Council’s stand that we are willing to form a government with Umno for the welfare of the people.

13. A series of negotiations were carried out and DAP has made it clear that unless a written agreement based on the above principles is signed, the party will not go through the deal.

14. At 3pm on Dec 8, 2020, all Perak Harapan chairpersons were granted another audience with His Royal Highness the Sultan of Perak. During the audience, His Royal Highness inquired about the latest development and reaffirmed his view that as ruler of the state, he wants a strong and sustainable government.

15. As such, negotiations continued between both Harapan and Umno until late at night, but no agreement could be reached as Umno would not accept the terms and conditions set by Harapan.

16. As both parties could not reach any agreement, Umno then went back to Bersatu and PAS to form a new state government.

Ahmad Zahid Hamidi

17. It is worthy to note that Umno president Zahid was forced to apologise openly for the first time in history over their treachery against Bersatu and PAS.

On the other hand, Bersatu president Muhyddin Yassin was forced to accept a menteri besar from Umno, despite the humiliation suffered by his deputy president Ahmad Faisal Azumu, who was ousted as Perak menteri besar by Umno.

18. Both Umno and Bersatu have proven to the nation that they are weak leaders and without principles.

19. While for PAS, the opportunist party suffered a major confidence deficit as it is now forced to swallow the humble pie by making a U-turn to rejoin the state government led by Umno, despite the fact that they have openly refused to do the same.

20. From the above, it is clear that:

a. Harapan has succeeded in removing an incompetent menteri besar;

b. The Perak State Assembly has shown to the Dewan Rakyat how a motion of no confidence can be done and that it can precede any government business;

c. Harapan has remained united through out the entire process;

d. DAP has proven it is not an “anti-Malay or anti-Islam” party but only anti-corruption. DAP has also proven it is a party with principle and it remains steadfast;

e. DAP & Harapan hold firm to the principle that any cooperation with Umno, if any, must be based on the principle of multiracial, integrity and good governance. Since Umno chose to remain with the kleptocrats, Harapan will soldier on without any cooperation with them; and

f. There is a severe and serious crack between PN and Umno. The trust deficit between them is insurmountable.

In a nutshell, we in Harapan have held on to our principles and we will survive. In the whole episode, Harapan has not suffered any loss, especially on what we stand for. People will be able to see PN and Umno are all for personal benefits, rather than taking care of the people's welfare.

NGA KOR MING is the Teluk Intan MP, Perak DAP chairperson and national DAP deputy secretary-general. He is also the Aulong assemblyperson. - Mkini

The views expressed here are those of the author/contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of MMKtT.

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