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Wednesday, December 2, 2020

YOURSAY | Warisan cuts off nose to spite its face in vote boycott


YOURSAY | ‘Shafie, don’t take your frustration with Harapan out on the people.’

Disgruntled with Anwar, Warisan MPs send 'signal' with bloc vote absence

Gerard Lourdesamy: I fail to understand Warisan's position. They could have stood up last Thursday with the other 13 MPs and forced the division (bloc vote) if the aim was to defeat the Supply Bill at the second reading.

All that was required was 15 MPs - Warisan has eight and Upko one. If a division was called, I am certain that Harapan would have voted against the budget despite opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's reservations.

However, I suspect Perikatan Nasional (PN) would have still won the vote with 110 to 108 because only Najib Abdul Razak and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah would have abstained.

OrangeJaguar9341: Warisan is having a temper tantrum during a key budget vote? What an ugly, immature, and childish display.

They say they want Anwar to step aside. But is this the best time, while we are in the midst of budget bloc voting?

Or does the ever-ambitious Warisan leader Shafie Apdal smell blood in the water and think he should strike now to oust Anwar and take over as opposition leader?

Then again, Warisan is calling for younger leadership while at the same time throwing their support behind former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad. They can’t even get their story to make sense.

Stop cutting off your nose to spite your face! Stop thinking only of yourselves. Serve the rakyat instead.

Myviews: Warisan, do not take your frustration with the Pakatan Harapan leadership out on the people. The people are the ones who put you where you are.

As such, where important issues are required as in bloc voting, you should be voting with your conscience. Instead, by being absent, you are showing your immaturity and throwing tantrums like a spoilt child.

Be that as it may, even if all eight of you were present, you will still not get the numbers (95 MPs + 8 MPs = 103 MPs). Let's face it, Harapan simply does not have the numbers. Period!

Fight your battles another day. Regroup now, regroup quickly, and try to win the war in GE15.

IndigoTrout2522: At this juncture, opposition MPs are making a great and possibly fatal mistake to boycott the bloc votes. This is not little children playing a game but the future of the nation.

By their actions, they have everything to lose and Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, and PN are now cheering. Harapan leaders must immediately initiate a meeting of all opposition MPs to trash out any grievances and work on a compromise for the benefit of the rakyat.

Aegis: What is Warisan doing? Are they under the influence of Mahathir and trying to be a kingmaker like Pejuang? Or are they now aligned with PN?

PKR, DAP, and Amanah used to be a solid block. After Mahathir came in, many things changed. And now people are trying to blame Anwar for not being able to unite the opposition.

It is not that Anwar cannot unite the opposition. Rather, Mahathir has been making things very difficult for him.

Harapan won because they were united, and Anwar (and PKR, being the dominant party in Harapan) supported Mahathir for the sake of the country. But Mahathir cheated Harapan.

Even if a few MPs jump over, Anwar still may not have the numbers as Mahathir will not give his support unless he is made the prime minister. So, who dares to join the opposition now with it in such disarray?

The problem is with Mahathir. He only has three other MPs, and yet he wants everybody to follow his lead. If not, he will continue to divide the opposition. Others are willing to compromise for the sake of the country, he will not. That is the problem.

YellowEagle3055: People seem to be angry at Anwar, but not Warisan? Is Warisan part of Harapan? They are aligned with Mahathir, right? They want Shafie to be the next PM.

Why didn’t they stand up with Mahathir last Thursday? They said Anwar's directive did not allow them to vote. And why now? When they get a chance to vote, they don't. It was a good opportunity to vote since some BN MPs abstained. Strange.

GreenMoose7204: Indeed, why blame Anwar? You are MPs and if you feel there is injustice in what was proposed, do something about it.

By not voting, you all are just being stupid, bordering on being cowards. So, wise up. Be the people's representatives.

Kawak: If the bloc vote was taken and the budget was voted down last Thursday, that would go against the directive of the Agong. The public servants, the frontliners, and those in the B40 (bottom 40 percent of income earners) group will curse Harapan.

That is the trap that PN and Umno put in place. These Warisan politicians have their brains in their kneecaps.

The Overlook: Well, what's the use of this show of boycotting the vote and wanting a new captain when you will soon have nothing to fight for.

You unite now, do what you set out to do - and once successful - then only start your campaigning and politicking for a new captain.

Because, as of today, you might as well have opted for Muhyiddin as your captain, whether you (and your missing-in-action gang) realised it or not.

Healer_MY: This is the problem with the country today. All these party-based politicians use threats to hold the party for ransom. I am not saying if Warisan did right or wrong, but this is just an example.

If they were independent candidates not reporting to any of these idiots in the party, they could make their own decisions based on the actual needs of the rakyat and not the party boss or anyone. Stop party-based voting and select independents.

The Watcher: The point is simple. No one has a majority except for Muhyiddin. No matter what permutations you configure, it's clear no one can get the numbers needed to remove Muhyiddin. Not now anyway.

So, let's accept this simple and glaring truth and move on. Fight another day. Or wait for the next general election. - Mkini

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