
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Unpaid school cleaners get nod from MOE in handwritten letter


School cleaners from Sabak Bernam have received assurance in the form of a handwritten letter “signed by” the Education Ministry (MOE) that those who have been unpaid since November will now receive their backpay on April 1.

When asked about the handwritten nature of the letter, Network of Government Contract Workers (JPKK) national secretary Sivaranjani Manickam clarified that the letter was drawn up by the group itself, at the request of the MOE and the Prime Minister’s Department during its joint discussions today.

The cleaners had gathered to strike and submit a memorandum to the Prime Minister's Department in Putrajaya today, in protest of their unsettled wages.

At 2.35pm, the protesters received a handwritten letter of assurance with an official stamp which stated that the unpaid school cleaners will receive their overdue wages on April 1.

This follows today’s discussions with the Prime Minister's Department and the MOE.

On the blacklisting of the accused companies, an MOE rep, simply identified as Puan Aidawati, had confirmed that all complaints will be investigated and appropriate action taken.

The wages of these school cleaners, who are roughly paid RM973 after Employees Provident Fund (EPF) and Social Security Organisation (Socso) contributions, are said to have not been paid since November last year.

Strike in Putrajaya

Thirty workers took part in today’s strike, organised by the Network of Government Contract Workers (JPKK), in Putrajaya which started around 10.30am this morning.

Parti Sosialis Malaysia’s Chong Yee Shan told Malaysiakini at the start of the protest, that the workers were willing to occupy the space until the matter is resolved.

Following the submission of the group’s memorandum, school cleaner Norma Abu Hassan told reporters that the issue has been ongoing for many years.

“With this present company, we have worked for them just three years. Some of us have worked for them for nine years.

“The overdue wages issue has been going on for years but because we have started to take action, they (other workers) have begun to follow suit to claim their rights,” said Norma.

When asked if the workers will be taking their strike elsewhere, she told reporters that the group will be staying put for the day.

Call received yesterday

She claimed that the group only received a call to discuss the issue yesterday after the JPKK announced their plans to protest in front of the Prime Minister's Department.

In their memorandum, the protesters demanded the following:

1. The settlement of all worker wages that have been overdue from November 2021 till present

2. The blacklisting of the contractor companies - As Rezeki Resources, Panggilan Effektif Enterprise and Parit Lapan Enterprise - and their directors

3. The settlement of all contributions to the workers’ accounts in EPF, Socso and Employment Insurance System (EIS)

4. The absorption of cleaning staff as permanent workers at government premises.

The workers' victory comes after months of campaigning and protests by the school cleaners over the unpaid wages. - Mkini

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