
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, November 27, 2023

YOURSAY | Learning the wrong lessons from history

YOURSAY | ‘Ironically, Anwar is on the path of the French Revolution.’

Anwar: Our promised reforms won’t be rushed

Mueller: The French Revolution was not due to rushed reforms.

It was because of the duties and levies implemented on many, while the aristocracy paid little to nothing while parading their privileges.

If Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim was referring to the chaos, it was due to the fact the kings and aristocracy surrounding France had every interest in ensuring the king remained head of state.

After all, if they could get rid of the French king, wouldn’t the Prussian Kaiser, the Austrian emperor, be next?  

Ironically, Anwar is already on the path of the French Revolution.

Like King Louis XVI who drained the coffers supporting America’s war of independence, Anwar sent RM100 million to Palestine. 

Like King Louis XVI, Anwar’s government was hellbent on raising taxes.

At least King Louis XVI had the decency to want to reform the kingdom to tax the aristocrats, unlike Anwar.

It says a lot about Anwar and his advisers’ lack of historical understanding. 

Cogito Ergo Sum: Anwar’s Ibrahim understanding of the French Revolution is so shallow, I wonder if he read the BM version written by one of our local PhDs?

The situation during the Revolution was because they had semi-literates appointed to the administrative structure who were religious zealots.

Instead of getting technocrats and experts based on their skills and not on race and religion, we are imitating the mistakes of the French.

Have you not learnt anything from your broad reading and knowledge?

KK Voter: So now Anwar labels those who supported him on the promise of reforms as elites.

When he had no power, his supporters were the masses suffering from corruption and unfair policies.

But now, these same supporters are supposed to be impatient elitists, while he presents himself as a man of the people.  

He continues to insult his base while attempting to court the other side instead of working on reforms that benefit everyone, so the other side can see and feel the difference.

One day he will remember the Malay saying, “yang dikejar tak dapat, yang dikendong berciciran.

Aristo: Sure, take your time. While you are taking your own sweet time, our neighbouring countries are speeding right past you.

Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore are way ahead of us and now in Thailand, their new prime minister Srettha Thavisinis is pushing ahead.

The sooner you get the reforms going, the faster the country can move forward, as every reform has a domino effect on the country’s economy.

Investors are more willing to invest when the country is stable and has proper governance.

So, be brave and grab the bull by its horns. Time waits for no one.

GreenFalcon2290: Goodness, what an analogy. Anwar has been preparing for over 20 years to make changes and still needs more time.

What about all the changes he has made in the past 12 months? All will be seen as a disaster in due course.

This man doesn’t think before he opens his mouth. All governments should be given two or three years to think about issues before they implement them.

Meanwhile, a private jet is on standby for non-stop foreign visits across the globe. Neat.

Justice: There are many reforms that can be done immediately. The vast majority, especially ordinary Malaysians, would benefit.

That is why we want the reforms now, as Anwar and his people had promised us. It is only the elites, those benefiting from corruption who would rightly deserve to suffer from immediate reform.

Instead, Anwar is making it as if it is the elites who want the reform to be sped up.

That’s a mere excuse by Anwar. He is now pandering to the elites to either slow down or not even undertake the promised reforms.

Now we know who Anwar is, his character and his agenda.

Milshah: In my humble opinion, Anwar and Pakatan Harapan would not be like this if they had lost the state elections in July. They would be striving very hard to win back the votes.  

But having won three out of six state elections, and also some by-elections, Harapan feels they have the support of the people.

Winning elections translates to support from the people. Is it wrong for them to feel that way?

Harapan does not seem to know that it is not support but fear of the “Green Wave” that led the people to vote for them.

The lesser of two evils. A win is a win whether by support or by fear.

LimeSinga1052: Sad to read the comments here calling out Anwar as a failure. This is, unfortunately, the prevalent Malaysian mentality.

Our national pastime is whacking our leaders whether they are deserving of it or not.  

What is the alternative to Anwar?

Do you want to go back to the old days of racist former prime ministers Dr Mahathir Mohamad and Muhyiddin Yassin? Traitor Bersatu leader Azmin Ali? Extremist PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang?

Let him consolidate and win the Malay heartland votes. Let the next cadre of politicians mature.

Then we can put pressure to implement the structural reforms. They need longevity and strong political support. Sabar

Falcon: The continued arrogance of misquoting historical events continues! Inexplicable!  

Elegant silence prevails when a nation is cursed with having political pretenders as leaders!  

Those who preach, quote, and speak as if one is profound are no better than charlatans and snake oil salespeople when fate gives one the chance to make a difference!

Politics makes strange bedfellows and I cannot help but wonder how far the DAP will go, enticed by their newfound position in government knowing fully well sentiments on the ground and their base.

Enjoy while you can, as no one knows how long the current politics of “silap mata dan minda” will last! - Mkini

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