
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dispel the Foul Language Your Kid Uses!

One of the biggest hurdles you need to overcome during the entire parenting process is teaching your kids not to use abusive language. Most of the times kids pick up this dirty habit either from school or sometimes even from elders who are not careful and use this language in front of them. Movies too seem to have a great impact on children nowadays. As a good parent you can try to screen what your child watches on television, but as a human being, it is impossible to screen everything. Thus, children hear foul language being used and think that it is very “cool” to use such language.

Peer pressure is another aspect which may be making your child use foul language. Parenting tips can help you protect your child to a certain degree, but you cannot prevent exterior influences on him. Seeing a senior in school use foul words, or hearing his own friends use it may provoke your child to use it too. Instead of losing your cool and reacting in a volatile manner, you should just calm yourself and try talking to your child about this. Parents and kids need to sit down and have a chat regarding the language being used. Parents then need to explain why using these words is considered to be disrespectful and hurtful as well.

Kids languageOften children begin travelling in public transport from a young age. This too may be a source from where your child learns the foul language which he uses. Parenting can be tough sometimes, especially when such problems arise. However, the only solution to such a problem is to explain how such harmful language can land him in trouble. Another parenting tip is that you can try to get rid of the harmful influence on him. For instance, monitor what you child watches on the television for a certain amount of time. Do not allow him or her to watch certain shows which you feel are not meant for him or her. Children do not usually know the difference and therefore in their innocence commit such mistakes.

It is imperative that you do not lose your cool when dealing with such an issue. Although many may regard it as a petty issue and thus dismiss it in an offhanded manner, it is a very serious problem. Parenting involves making sure the right values are inculcated in your child and that your child does not stray from the right path. However, ignoring such a problem or trying to ignore it, hoping that it can be swept under the rug is only a sign of bad parenting. While it is difficult to build a good reputation, it is very easy to ruin one. Unless you take a step towards changing your child’s habits, he or she will end up with a tarnished reputation which will leave him or her emotionally scarred for life.

Imagine your child uttering a swear word in a room full of crowded people in the middle of a party. Seems embarrassing, right? Well, this is only a petty issue in comparison to the problems your child may face if you treat this issue with nonchalance. If you are someone who uses abusive words in your daily speech, you need to change your methods when you have a child. Children dote upon their parents as do parents on their kids. Therefore, it is only natural for them to pick up their parents’ habits. The level of parenting skill required when explaining what the various words mean to your child is great. Children out of curiosity often put parents in a tremendously awkward position. However, good parenting would be to be able to give your child a satisfactory answer, rather than just telling her that telling her that she has done something wrong.

Therefore, to be a good parent and use all the parenting tips available, use your parenting skills and manage to explain why using foul language is wrong. This is one of the greatest parenting challenges ever faced, yet it is one of the commonest ones. Many parents resort to scaring their child out of such a habit. For example, telling them that if they use foul language, the police will take them away. However, this style of parenting is not conducive for every situation and you may want to discover your own parenting tips when bringing up your child.

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