
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Undi 18 : Rais Yatim Should Just Say It Was A Stupid Idea


  • Rais says impractical to lower voting age to 18 
  • time-consuming obstructions in implementing it
  • Rais said take time to (find) 18-year-olds and constituencies 

My comments :

This is the lamest excuse Rais could have made up.  Then how does our voter registration system work for 21 year olds?

The system in our country is voluntary voter registration. Whether 18 years or 21 years old it is up to the voter to register himself to vote. Voting is not compulsory. 

So I really dont know what Rais Yatim is talking about. 

It was just another  stupid 'kuda liar'  idea by our previously unemployed MP that the voting age should be lowered to 18.

In this country you have one part of the village voting for panglima pintu belakang, another portion votes for Malu Apa Bossku and another part can vote for lebai k-nt-l.  If you ask me maybe we should increase the voting age to 45 or something. 

In ancient Rome, ancient Greece or somewhere only taxpayers could vote. Before you qualified to vote you must show your taxpayers receipt.  

Some dunggus who want 18 year olds to vote say that at 18 years of age you are eligible to die for your country. So why shouldnt you vote for your country at 18 years of age?

Hello 'die for your country at 18 years of age' is an Americanism lah. In America they have conscription for the Army. Meaning if needed the US government can tell them to join the Army (at 18 years of age) and go and get killed somewhere in the world. 

In Israel and Singapore they also have conscription  where 18 year olds are conscripted into the Army.  In Israel, Army service is compulsory for both 18 year old males and females. In America and Singapore compulsory Army service is for males only.

In Malaysia our Army is a 100% volunteer Army. So far we do not need a conscription Army because there are so many unemployed in the country. There is always a long queue to join the Army, the Police, the teachers training colleges,  the Civil Service etc. So in Malaysia there is no such thing as 'die for your country at 18 years of age'.   In Malaysia it is more likely that 18 year olds can die racing their motorbikes on the way to the voting booths.

It does not matter if you are 45 years old. If you can support Malu Apa Bossku it simply means that you are retarded.

It does not matter if you are Malay, Chinese, Indian or whatever. If you support a "47-kali-naik-turun-tangga-High-Court" nutjob as your political ally it means that you suffer an extreme case of "masuk-pintu-belakang" disease. You are retarded.

But that is exactly what your Panglima Pintu Belakang is saying now. He says he does not rule out the possibility of cooperating with Dumbno. And despite this, there are Indians and Chinese who still support Panglima Pintu Belakang. 

When Dumbno teamed up with Muhyiddin you screamed 'Pintu Belakang, Pintu Belakang'.

When your own Panglima Pintu Belakang wants to team up with Dumbno you all scream 'Here is my b_ckside, here is my b_ckside'.  How does that logic work lah?

I am glad that Undi 18 crap is not going through. Please formalise it and just abolish, annul or whatever the earlier Parliamentary approval. 

  • The 21 year old voting age we have in this country is just fine. 
  • Why tamper with something that is not broken? 
  • Another case of tikus dunggu membaiki labu.

What we need is more outside the box thinking in the country. Your voting age really does not matter. Whether you are 18, 21 or 45 if you cannot think logically and commonsensically  then your vote is not going to be the best vote. 

Yesterday another dunggu lebai k_nt_l has said (for International Women's Day) that women should honour other women by getting a second wife for their husbands !!

"Sempena Hari Wanita 2018, seorang pemimpin Pas Perak mencadangkan agar para isteri menghadiahkan kepada suami masing-masing seorang lagi isteri."

Here is his picture:

What do you think folks? Do you think this fellow has the IQ of an 18 year old, an 8 year old or the IQ of a p_ _ck?

That is all they can think about - get another 'legal s_x-partner' for your husband.

Maybe increasing the voting age to 45 is another bad idea.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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