
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, April 8, 2021

Anwar’s And Zahid’s Defence: Deny, Deny, Deny


No, the two letters to the Agong of six months ago are genuine and the leaked recording yesterday is also genuine. And both those letters plus the recording say the same thing. Anwar (plus DAP) and Zahid (plus a couple of other Umno leaders) have made a deal. And the deal involves setting up a unity government post-GE15 made up of Pakatan Harapan and Umno.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Anwar Ibrahim’s and Ahmad Zahid Hamidi’s defence regarding their leaked conversation is to deny that a conspiracy exists, deny that the conversation took place, and deny that the voices in the recording are theirs.

Yes, deny, deny, deny…that is their defence.

That defence would be feasible if you have honour and integrity, and people are prepared to give you the benefit of the doubt. Then all you need to do is to deny the allegation and ask those who make the accusation to prove it.

In short, you are innocent until proven guilty and the onus lies on those who accuse you to prove their accusation. You, on the other hand, need to do nothing except just deny the accusation.

Anwar and Zahid launched their coup d’état in 1998 but, by Merdeka Day, Mahathir launched his coup de grâce

But the problem here is, Anwar and Zahid have both lost their honour and integrity because they have lied too many times. So many times, Anwar and Zahid have denied what they were accused to have done and each time they were proven to have lied.

You can cry wolf only once or twice. By the third time, people no longer believe you even if what you may be saying that third time is true. By then, you need to prove your innocence. No longer are people going to consider you innocent until proven guilty.

Those who personally know Anwar and Zahid, and have known them for 40 or 50 years, swear that the voices in the leaked recording belong to Anwar and Zahid and that the recording is not fake. They are 100% confident of this.

Even Lokman Noor Adam has admitted defeat and says he has absolutely no doubts that the recording is genuine and that he is sure 100% that the voices belong to Anwar and Zahid. Many others such as Nazri Aziz and Annuar Musa are also 100% confident that the voices belong to Anwar and Zahid.

And that goes for me as well. I have personally known Anwar since the 1960s and Zahid since the 1980s and I, too, am confident 100% that the voices belong to them.

His Majesty the Agong confirmed the meeting with Anwar in October 2020 when Anwar handed His Majesty the two letters

Anwar’s worst lie was when he lied to Parliament in 1992 that the rumour regarding Bank Negara losing RM31.5 billion gambling in FOREX was not true. Lim Kit Siang was so angry he demanded Anwar’s resignation and for an RCI to be held to get to the truth of the matter.

In 1993, Anwar said Bank Negara made only a ‘paper loss’ and not a physical loss, and that it was not RM31.5 billion but only RM7 billion or so. Later it was proven Anwar lied to Parliament in 1992 and 1993 — and at that time he should have been arrested and charged.

Then Anwar said he is not going to challenge Tun Ghafar Baba for the Umno deputy presidency. Then Anwar spent RM200 million to secretly buy over 20 Umno Sabah divisions so that he could collect ‘bonus’ votes. Seeing that he had lost the race even before it started, Ghafar dropped out of the race to give Anwar a menang tanpa tanding.

Anwar then said he is loyal to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad and then, in 1997, he conspired with Zahid to oust Mahathir with the help of the IMF. Mahathir retaliated by rejecting the IMF’s help to overcome the Asian Financial Crisis and, in 1998, he kicked Anwar out.

They denied this letter: but it is genuine and Zahid and Najib did sign it and did send it to the Agong by hand through Anwar

Anwar then fought back and said he has six boxes of evidence to prove that Mahathir is corrupt, and he alleged that Mahathir stole RM100 billion of the taxpayers’ money. Until today, 23 years later, those six boxes have still not surfaced.

More recently, Anwar alleged that Umno paid PAS RM90 million and that the payment was made in a single cheque (which means the bank records of both Umno and PAS would show this transaction). Anwar claimed he has a copy of that cheque and that he was going to reveal it in a matter of days.

Until today, the copy of that alleged RM90 million cheque is still in Anwar’s possession and has not been revealed yet. The issue is: that RM90 million was supposed to be from 1MDB — so the MACC got involved and investigated the allegation.

But the MACC found no evidence that RM90 million had left Umno’s bank account or RM90 million had come into PAS’s bank account. And since it was a single crossed cheque of RM90 million, it cannot be cashed, and it can easily be traced. But no such transaction exists, says the MACC.

The MACC said there is no evidence Umno paid PAS RM90 million

Lie after lie after lie. That is Anwar’s track record for decades. It is now impossible to determine when Anwar is lying and when he is telling the truth. The only conclusion we can come to is: whenever Anwar opens his mouth, he is lying, and he is telling the truth only when he keeps his mouth shut.

In October last year, Zahid and Najib Tun Razak signed a letter on Umno’s letterhead addressed to Seri Paduka Yang di-Pertuan Agong to inform His Majesty that they support Anwar as the new Prime Minister to replace Muhyiddin Yassin.

To add insult to injury, that letter was drafted by PKR’s Secretary-General, Saifuddin Nasution, and it was delivered by hand to the Agong by Anwar himself.

Anwar met the Agong in Oct 2020 to hand over the Umno letter signed by Najib and Zahid

Anwar admitted meeting the Agong and he also admitted that he informed the Agong “he has the numbers” and that Umno also supports him to replace Muhyiddin as the new Prime Minister. The Agong, too, confirmed all this, but His Majesty added that while Anwar made all sort of claims, he was not able to prove it.

Anwar never handed over the list of Umno MPs who support him to replace Muhyiddin as PM.

When that letter got leaked, both Anwar and Zahid denied it and said the Umno letter to the Agong was fake. But that letter is not fake. Both Zahid-Najib’s letter and Anwar’s letter are genuine. And I have the evidence to prove this through Istana Negara’s records.

And now, just six months later, we have the leaked recording of Anwar’s discussion with Zahid regarding their three decades old deal. And, just like the letters to the Agong of six months ago, Anwar and Zahid deny this recording as well and say it is fake.

No, the two letters to the Agong of six months ago are genuine and the leaked recording yesterday is also genuine. And both those letters plus the recording say the same thing. Anwar (plus DAP) and Zahid (plus a couple of other Umno leaders) have made a deal. And the deal involves setting up a unity government post-GE15 made up of Pakatan Harapan and Umno.


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