
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Investment scams on the rise in Negeri Sembilan


Investment fraud cases in Negeri Sembilan have increased significantly with 69 reported scams with losses of over RM2.3 million recorded so far this year.

Negeri Sembilan Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) chief Aibee Abd Ghani said based on statistics recorded last year, there were 24 cases with a total loss of RM888,056 for the same period.

He said statistics showed that people are still being deceived by investments offered such as stock investments, forex (foreign exchange), business, gold and others.

“One of the modus operandi (of scammers) is to offer investments through social media advertisements on Facebook, WhatsApp or WeChat, apart from communicating individually or the victim is included in a ‘group’ on any of those apps with payments being made directly to individual accounts,” he said in a statement today.

Aibee said 69 individuals had been detained so far to assist in the investigation including four individuals who were subjected to a two-year restraining order and strapped with electronic monitoring devices, an action under the Prevention of Crime Act (Poca).

He said the state CCID had detected 27 names used in investment fraud cases, namely 66 Vitol Trade, Advantrader, Al Majd Trading, AMC Management Service, Azzad Islamic Investment, Big Data International Group and Contiflex ventures.

Also listed are Doo Prime, Eazy Market, Eurotradebd.com, Fincorp, http://www.kpcb77.com/app/, Ihsan Murni, Intan Technology, International Islamic Financial Market, IQ Global and Iskandar Investment. Kinta Finance & Investment Co, KPCB, Mining Guru.net, Mitrade, Mybillionventure, Oanda, Royal Investment, Villmer Global Resources, World Indexes and Brunei Investment Agency.

Aibee advises the public not to believe that investments can offer high returns in a short period of time and to check the account numbers and contact numbers used at https://ccid.rmp.gov.my/semakmule/

- Bernama

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