
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Prioritise teachers for Covid-19 vaccine, say opposition reps


Former education minister Maszlee Malik and representatives of seven opposition parties have issued a joint statement calling for the Covid-19 vaccine to be immediately given to teachers since schools have fully resumed operations.

They said attention must be given to teachers as they are also at risk of being infected.

"Starting this week, secondary schools have reopened. Secondary school teachers have joined their peers in primary schools who returned to school (two weeks ago). This means that almost 500,000 teachers have returned to school.

"The undeniable fact is that teachers are also at the forefront of caring for our children to ensure the continuity of education and the future of the country.

"As far as we know, this exposes teachers to the risk of being infected with the Covid-19 virus. This needs to be given serious attention. The well-being of teachers is a continuation of the sustainability of the nation's children's education," said Maszlee, who is Pakatan Harapan education chairperson.

Former education minister and Pakatan Harapan education chairperson Maszlee Malik

The statement was also signed by PKR's education spokesperson Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad and his counterparts from DAP, Teo Nie Ching and Amanah, Hasan Baharom. 

Other signatories include Malaysian United Democratic Alliance's (Muda) Muar MP Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, Upko president Wilfred Madius Tangau, Parti Pejuang Tanah Air's (Pejuang) Amiruddin Hamzah and Warisan's Isnaraissah Munirah.

"Recognising this reality, we urge the Health Ministry to work with the Education Ministry to provide vaccine injections as soon as possible for our teachers.

"Delaying this will expose not only the teachers to danger but also the students as well," they added.

Teachers were not included in Phase 1 of the national Covid-19 immunisation programme, which saw medical frontliners and political leaders receiving the vaccine. Phase 2 is due to begin on April 19. - Mkini

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