
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Rafidah Aziz On Rentak Arab

  This is taken from Free Malaysia Today here.

If you feel that you have to sacrifice yourself by doing something which is not politically savoury but is good for the rakyat, you will win the election. 

But people can see through it if everything you do is fishing for votes and the end game is vested interest.

religion constantly exploited as political tool to win supporters and votes

Rafidah Aziz “frightened” over Malaysia’s future

veteran politician (can see) Malaysia’s direction - past, present and future

religion becomes politicised veer off from real tenets of religion

You interpret religion according to your own whims and fancies 

For 55 years I’ve been active in politics

I can see where we have been, where we are, where we are going

which is frightening she said in an interview with FMT

Rafidah said M'sians need to think objectively at the ballot boxes 

rather than being easily swayed by politicians

politicians loved giving “motherhood statements” 

preach different messages to different crowds to curry favour

Muslim only - wear serban, sarong and you speak ‘Allah’, that kind of language

“‘Rentak Arab’ (an Arabic beat),” she quipped

to Chinese community you speak multiracial 

That’s not right. You should speak to them all as Malaysians

I’m concerned about where Malaysia and Malaysians will be

the nation should gauge individuals by economic capacity 

I may be a Malay, but I’m a Malaysian first

racially-biased politics very negative 

she did not care where UMNO headed after she was sacked in 2018

she was sick of “toxicity” of Malaysian politics today

politics about clamoring for power 

rather than what one could do for nation

Even Covid-19 politicise(d) 

If you feel that you have to sacrifice yourself by doing something which is not politically savoury but is good for the rakyat, you will win the election. 

But people can see through it if everything you do is fishing for votes and the end game is vested interest. 

My comments :

Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz says it all. Everywhere in the world the unscrupulous and their religions have become toxic.  Like radiation in Chernobyl. The moment you come into contact with it, you are doomed. If you do not die instantly you die slowly and painfully.  And whoever comes in contact with you will also become contaminated.  

There is one and only one reason for the toxicity of religions (plural). Religion has no real proof. There is no scientific proof for religion. There is absolutely no scientific proof for anyone walking on water. Or flying through the sky like Superman.  Religion runs on 'non-scientific truths'.

And  these are the "religious" truths. In your religion you must accept these as "religious truths". So there is a huge gap between 'religious truths' and 'scientific truths'. 

Religious truths depend entirely on faith.  It is plain faith. No scientific proofs are offered or needed for religion. Religion runs on 'non-scientific truths'.

On the other hand without evidence and proof Science cannot exist. 

By its very nature, Science therefore has to unite people. Science is a uniting factor. Science brings us the Internet. People come together. 

  • Ergo for Science to flourish people have to come together.
  • Ergo, when people come together, Science will flourish. 

What should you do?

You should keep this in mind. Keep what in mind?

That when you speak with Science, you speak with evidence and proofs. 

That when you talk (or hear) religion you do not need scientific proofs. You only need 'non scientific truths'.  Hence the supreme importance of faith. 

Science solves real problems in the real world. Covid19 has to be a scientific solution. There are no 'non-scientific' solutions.

The next time you hear or speak  about religion - keep this in mind.  'Non scientific truths' - hence the supreme importance of faith. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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