
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, June 12, 2021

Straw Poll : Adakah Tun Dr Mahathir Masih Boleh Dipercayai? 93% Kata Tak Boleh Percaya

 Today I saw this:

Then there is also this, it is an online Poll  here : https://strawpoll.com/bq27oqw4c 

which asks this question:

So far out of 4663 votes, over 93% have said 'Tidak boleh percaya'. Here is a screenshot. 

There is a verse from the Quran that Dr Mahathir should best read carefully:

(here is part of  Sura 47:9) 

(47:9  Ma asabaka min hasanatin faminallaah  wamaa asaabaka min sayyi-atin famin nafsika..)

Surah 4:79 Anything good that happens to you is from Allah, and anything bad that happens to you is from you.. .  .

Surah 47:9 Apa saja nikmat yang kamu peroleh adalah dari Allah, dan apa saja bencana yang menimpamu, maka dari dirimu sendiri.

This is obvious. You are responsible for whatever bad happens to you. If shit happens it means you have done something stupid. 

Dr Mahathir was given that most impossible of miracles - a SECOND CHANCE. 

And he blew it. He spent 22 months of his second premiership wasting all our time, listening to the fools and the morons, pandering to the corrupt and the lame (all over  again) and coming up with the most insane stupidities (3rd national car, islamic axis with a turkey and a donkey. And all sorts of other crap.)

As a result he lost SEVEN By elections in a row.
As a result his own closest friends overthrew him.
As a result 93% of a largely Malay online poll today says they do not believe him anymore. 

It is best for Dr Mahathir to just keep quiet and fade away quietly into the background. Go back to Kedah. Even before the Covid the service levels in Langkawi (at Mat Cincang, at the tourist spots, in the shops, in the government owned hotels) was bad. The 'tidak apa' attitude has worsened - it has now gone to 'aku peduli apa' to 'mampus pi kat hang'.  This is the level of customer service.  

The people are becoming more tensed up - they cannot handle things well.  If you do not understand what is customer service then how are you going to do well in business? Kalau tak tahu layan customer pun, habis nak bisnes kepala hotak apa?

Sadly this is Dr Mahathir's legacy as well. 

But there is no Nobel Prize for Kurang Ajar. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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