
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, December 4, 2021

Guan Eng Mocks Christianity By Mocking Islam


And the fact that Mat Sabu and the Amanah people allow these DAP people to do this and get away with it demonstrates what the perjuangan of these ex-PAS people really is.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

DAP’s Lim Guan Eng is demonstrating very strong Islamophobic behaviour when he mocks Islam. And by mocking Islam he is also mocking Christianity, because much of the Islamic doctrine and traditions come from Christianity (and Judaism).

The fact that most Christians have deviated from the original teachings of the Old Testament is another matter. For example, the Bible is very clear about homosexuality. In fact, the Bible prescribes “Hudud” punishment for homosexuals — and Judaism, Christianity and Islam relate how God wiped out an entire homosexual community

The foundation of Islamic beliefs come from the Old Testament of the Jews and Christians

However, today, Christians accept homosexual marriages and relationship even though the Bible condemns it. And to say that Jews, Christians and Muslims who oppose certain things are people who “tidak ada bezanya dengan pemimpin PAS yang ekstremis dan primitif yang mahu mengawal apa yang boleh atau tidak boleh dipakai oleh wanita” is an attack on Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

What is permissible (or forbidden) today is another matter. Up to 200 years ago in Europe, homosexuals were executed while marriages involving 12 or 13 years old “kids” were quite common. But then at 15 or 16 people went to war and died on the battlefield. So, if you are old enough to kill and die for your country, you are certainly old enough to get married and have children.

This nun is a Christian, not a Muslim extremist

What many Malays believe is what Islam teaches them. There are many Malays who drink, gamble, have random sex with people they are not married to (or even have homosexual relationships), but they believe Prophet Muhammad is the final Prophet and that Jesus Christ is not the Son of God and did not die on the cross and come back to life three days later.

Are the Malays right or wrong? Well, are those people who believe God has a body of a human but the head of an elephant right or wrong? You might not believe what Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc., believe, but you have no right to mock or belittle what they believe.

And this is what Lim Guan Eng and the DAP people are doing. They are mocking Malays who hold certain beliefs. These beliefs may appear silly to those who do not believe in the same thing. But then all religious beliefs are based on faith anyway and not based on evidence. So what difference are the other people who also believe in God compared to Muslims?

Just because Christians do this does not mean Christianity allows it

To condemn Malays, Muslims and PAS people who hold certain beliefs is too melampau. These DAP people must not cross the line and mock other people’s religious beliefs. I, too, hold certain beliefs — such as Jesus was a Jew, not a Christian, and Buddha was a Hindu, not a Buddhist. But I do not condemn Christians and Buddhists for being “silly” the way Lim Guan Eng and DAP people do.

And the fact that Mat Sabu and the Amanah people allow these DAP people to do this and get away with it demonstrates what the perjuangan of these ex-PAS people really is.

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