
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, May 5, 2022

Why Religion Is Useless In Earthly Life

 I received this poster from someone (Thank you). This person making this statement is Dr Richard FRU of the Cameroon. He is a naturopathist, alternative healing specialist etc. You can Google his name. I have never heard of him before but what he says here makes a lot of sense and for those of you who read my blog, you will know this is exactly what I have been saying so many times.

This is an astute observation. 

I have said this before and I will say it again - the religious people are liars. Dr Richard FRU prefers the word 'scammer'. It means the same thing. 

I have made religion a lifelong interest. I have read plenty about religion, about the priests, their beliefs and rituals. Did you know that by logical elimination all religious people are 'atheists'. Here is the reasoning : Lets say you believe in your own religion and you believe in your own idea of god. You do not believe my religion and you do not believe in my god. As far as I am concerned there is only one god which is my god. As far as I am concerned there are no other gods. So if you reject my god you are rejecting the only one god, meaning you are an atheist. The same logic applies both ways. We are all atheists to each other's reckoning. 

But lets get to the practical side of things.  On the 2nd day of Hari Raya there were 472 areas in Selangor that suffered water cuts. Could any of your religious masters perform any religious ceremony or religious ritual which could have avoided those water cuts? The answer is a flat NO. 

The Ringgit has fallen to RM4.35 to the USD. Can  any of your religious masters perform any religious ceremony or religious ritual which could have prevented the Ringgit from falling? The answer is again a flat NO.

There is a simple reason for this failure by religion to solve real world problems. The priests and religious masters are trained in rituals and ceremonies that have nothing to do with the problems at hand. All the holy water rituals in the world cannot make the tap water flow if the water pump is broken. You need the technicians and engineers. All the rituals in the world cannot cure a simple appendicitis inflammation.  You need a doctor.

The engineer and technician is trained in engineering, piping etc. The doctor is trained in surgery and medicine. Both rely on careful hand eye coordination to make mechanical repairs, to cut open the body carefully and sew it back etc. 

On the other hand the priest and religious master is trained in moving his hands (and feet) in a random manner, either up, down, sideways, in circles and to make some sounds with his mouth which cannot tighten a single loose screw or even pluck a hair from someone's head.  

Now there is a reason for this also. There is a WHY. There is always a WHY for everything. That is why you must always ask W H Y ? This simple three letter word W H Y is a religion killer. 

The reason is because in any society in the world the best and the brightest of its people are carefully chosen to become its doctors and engineers. Only the top students in any society can become the doctors and engineers. And they are trained very logically to use their minds and they are carefully trained to use their hands to perform brain surgeries and create useful machines and products that make our lives better. That is why doctors and engineers are so useful for solving every day problems in our society. 

At the bottom of the spectrum, the not so clever and sometimes the dumbest people in society end up becoming the priests and religious leaders. Those who cannot qualify to become anything better are sent of to the religious centers to become the priests. Where they are taught to move their hands and feet in random manners and make some sounds with their mouths which do not solve any problems for mankind. And they know this.

So religion turns to guile. Guile means to be sly or cunning. To cover up for their non-performance, religion cunningly threatens you with things that you cannot see. Religion threatens you things in the far, far away future. And usually what is threatened in the far, far away future are punishment, torment and torture.

If you did this or if you did not do that then you will suffer punishment, torment and torture. 

But by promising you punishment and torture religion acknowledges that it has failed. Because punishment and torture comes only AFTER you have failed. After you FAILED to do or not to do something religion comes looking for you to punish you.

And herein lies the other problem. Religion believes that punishment solves problems. No it does not. If you have to punish someone then it means it is too late. It means that the wrongs have already been committed. So in reality, despite all its bombastic claims, religion cannot prevent wrongs from being committed. 

But religion screams from the tops of the hills and mountains that it guides you to do good.   So if you still do wrong it means that religion's promise to guide you to do good is not 100% foolproof. It means religion can fail to guide you. And looking at all the horrors that exist in the world today, religion is obviously a colossal screw up.

Which leads us to the next question. So shouldnt religion itself be punished if religion fails to guide people to do good? 

Lets say each time someone commits a religious sin or religious wrong, then get the priest and the church to pay a fine. Why? Because they are the ones who say they can guide you. Because they are the ones who take money from you (ok lah voluntary donations in the donation box).   But they still take money from you. In Europe (until today) if you belong to a church parish, it means you make monthly contributions to the parish. So if a church member commits a sin, get the church to pay a fine. 

For comparison, say you hire a manager and pay him RM10,000 a month to manage your business. He runs the business into the ground. Dont you hold him responsible? Dont you fire him? And shouldnt you yourself be held responsible? You are the one who hired the dud to manage your business. You should also be fired. 

The point is someone must be held responsible.  But religion says if you do good the priest and the religion automatically gets the credit. But if you do wrong it is all your own fault. Heads I win, tails you lose? Quite a neat little trick.  

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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