
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, July 15, 2022

How Najib A.K.A. BossKu Is Being Sabotaged By His Own People


The question is, is Lokman doing this on purpose? Is Lokman a Trojan horse who is trying to hurt Najib instead of help save him? The way things are going, Najib may end up in jail while Ismail will continue to be prime minister — while Lokman…hmm, where will Lokman end up?


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Lokman Noor Adam is attacking Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob because, according to Lokman, Ismail refuses to help Najib Tun Razak. Lokman wants Ismail to drop the charges against Najib in the SRC International and 1MDB cases.

Soon after Ismail became prime minister, Najib Razak a.k.a. BossKu, Ahmad Zahid Hamidi and Mohamad Hasan a.k.a. Tok Mat, requested to meet the PM to discuss their court cases.

At the last minute, Tok Mat did not turn up, so only Najib and Zahid met the PM. Tok Mat wanted to distance himself from Najib and Zahid — and he later went to meet the PM on his own to discuss his RM10 million kickback and money-laundering case.

To be fair to Ismail, he did discuss this matter with the Attorney-General to see whether there are any grounds or technicalities to warrant dropping the charges against Najib and Zahid. As for Tok Mat, the three charge sheets had already been drafted but had not been filed yet.

But then, before anything can happen, Lokman and those others seen close to Najib started attacking Ismail. They wanted Ismail ousted, and to do that, they needed parliament to be dissolved and for a snap general election to be held.

Lokman and the BossKu attack-team did not hide the fact they want to bring down Ismail. They felt if GE15 is held as soon as possible, then Ismail can be removed. In fact, it would be up to Zahid to determine whether Ismail is even given a seat to contest GE15 — and Ismail may not be given a seat.

They also want to see whether disciplinary action can be taken against Ismail so that he can be suspended or sacked from Umno. They want to use the excuse that Ismail is going against the party’s wishes to suspend or sack him from Umno.

Lokman’s daily blitz on Ismail reveals what their game-plan and endgame are. They want Ismail Sabri Yaakob ousted.

They are pretending that their only interest is Umno, and that if a snap general election is held now, Umno can win big plus Umno needs not pakat with any other party — whereas if the general election is held later, Umno will not do well.

This attack on Ismail has created friction between Ismail and Najib, to the detriment of Najib who needs Ismail’s help in his court cases. Because of their move to oust Ismail, there is no benefit to the PM to try to save Najib. In fact, it is more beneficial to Ismail that Najib goes to jail.

The question is, is Lokman doing this on purpose? Is Lokman a Trojan horse who is trying to hurt Najib instead of help save him? The way things are going, Najib may end up in jail while Ismail will continue to be prime minister — while Lokman…hmm, where will Lokman end up?

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