
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, July 18, 2022

Must Read - Sekali Lagi To Malay Intellectuals, the Malay Middle Class Folks, The Thinking Folks, NGO Melayu, Persatuan Pengguna Jenama Agama, Bangsa, Negara : Sadly You Do Not Know How To Count Or Calculate.

 I wrote this yesterday then tersilap tekan something and I lost the material. So rewriting it today. 

I see the bullshit floating around the country again - non stop. 

News item No 1. 


Yesterday Lim Guan Eng was reported saying "domkati domkata, yamma kada dey" to the Prime Minister over the extreme shortage of foreign workers that is destroying the economy. (Meaning the PM dont care what Guan Eng says). The economy has lost RM21 billion. The economy needs about 1.2 million foreign workers. 

I want to ask the Malay middle class people. Those who live in Taman Tun, in Subang Jaya, around Bukit Damansara etc. Do you all care about this news? Does it worry you at all? 

Most of these businesses and plantations that are short of labour are usually owned by the non-Malays. That is why Guan Eng is speaking up. The Chinese factory owners and Chinese plantations are complaining to Guan Eng.  But RM21 Billion loss to the economy is a huge number. It affects all of us. It affects the whole country. Do the Malay people care about this news? Or are you going to dismiss it as 'This is a Chinese problem. Not our problem'?

The Indonesian ambassador to Kuala Lumpur has said point blank that our Prime Minister and our government are a "disgrace".

“What’s the point of signing this MoU in front of my president if it is not honoured?” Hermono asked FMT.  “Ismail is the one who wanted our president to witness the signing, and he agreed. You would think that with the presence of the (Malaysian) prime minister and the (Indonesian) president, all parties would honour the MoU – but the reality is far from it.

Why doesnt Malaysia want to honour the MoU on workers with Indonesia? 

Maybe because of money? My mother-in-law paid almost RM18,000 to get an Indonesian maid. Exactly who gets this money? 

Say 100,000 maids x RM18,000 = A LOT OF MONEY. Actually RM1,800,000,000.00 OR RM1.8 Billion. 

The country needs 1.2 million foreign workers. That is worth billions. 

If they get the money the foreign workers will come. If they cannot get the money, there will be no more foreign workers.  

Who will get the money? The former Minister has now been charged in Court for corruption including one charge where he used Malaysian missions overseas like his personal 'labour recruitment' office.

“I was instructed by my division to prepare a ‘consideration paper’ to obtain the approval of the then home minister regarding U__B’s application to implement the SPPV 1 Stop Centre in China using the private finance initiative (PFI) model for a concession period of seven years.  The ‘consideration paper’ dated Sept 28, 2011, recommended several actions to be taken by the government,” she said in her testimony in A---d Z---d H----i’s corruption trial in connection with the Foreign Visa System (VLN) here today."

So who cares if Jokowi came to witness the MoU or not? The Indonesian Ambassador can go and swim in the Straits of Melaka. Who cares? It all depends on who gets the money.

News item no 2.  


China has gifted Cambodia a US$150 million sporting stadium outside Phnom Penh. The stadium is five stories tall and can seat 60,000 people. Here are some pictures:


US$150 million is about RM660 Million for a huge, brand new stadium. Seating capacity 60,000 people.

But two days ago we read that a bumiputera GLC has been awarded a contract for RM787 Million just to  R E P A I R  A STADIUM in Shah Alam !!

RM787 Million just to repair the stadium ??   


Tuan-Tuan orang Melayu sila ambil kira. This is our money you know. Your money also.  

Then on the other side of the tracks the hospitals are now running out of medicine. Listen to the complaint by this doctor :   


No money to buy ubat in the hospitals but can spend RM787 million to repair a stadium!!


News item No 3.  

Then here is another piece of news (thank you Norman). They have built  a bridge costing RM120 Million to an island that has no more people living on it. So the bridge was not used and it is now closed. RM 120 JUTA !!




News Item No 4

This is just trivia. But this is to show that people do not know how to calculate simple things. That movie maker fellow says he has reached RM80 million ticket sales for the Malay warrior movie. In only 25 days. If an average movie ticket costs RM15, it means 5.3 million people have seen that movie in 25 days. Well congrats buddy. This movie has beaten Hollywood and Bollywood. 


News Item No 5

Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan bin Abdul Rahman  https://t.me/rights2write  has raised some serious questions about the cooking oil subsidy

16th July 2022 -  The Lies in Cooking Oil Subsidy

2.     PEMUDAH claims annual production of  SUBSIDISED oil is  720,000kg 

R. Hirschman shows that Malaysia produced an average of 500,000kg (cooking oil) annually (https://tinyurl.com/2cw7ncau) until 2020. 

How is it possible that the production of subsidized oil is higher than the average annual production of cooking oil?
7.     This article https://tinyurl.com/23d3lk6s, states that in 2022, the subsidy is RM4 bill and the subsidized volume is 720,000kg. 

This is equivalent to RM5,555.56/kg

Is the government lying? 

The estimated subsidy rate should be about (RM44.95/5kg) (unsubsidized Knife brand) – RM2.50 (subsidized 1kg packets)  i.e. RM6.49/kg or for 720,000kg, the total subsidy amount is *RM4.7million only*.
8.     An RM4 bill subsidy means RM122 per citizen for cooking oil only. This is simply atrocious and a blatant lie.
Dr Mohamed Rafick Khan bin Abdul Rahman

Ok let me elaborate a little. 

Unsubsidised Knife Brand 5kg cooking oil is RM45.00. Or RM9.00 per kg.

That 1kg subsidised oil in plastic bags is RM2.50.

So RM9.00 - RM2.50 = RM6.50 is the amount of the subsidy.

Simple arithmetic.

Jadi, bila kita ambil 720,000 kg minyak masak sabsidi multiply by sabsidi RM6.50 satu kg = RM4.7 JUTA sahaja !! 

Jadi macam mana pula depa kata sabsidi minyak masak is RM4 BILLION ?? 


Wa Akhirul Kalam :

Tuan-Tuan orang Melayu, Tuan-Tuan Malay Intellectuals, the Malay Middle Class Folks, The Thinking Folks, NGO-NGO Melayu, Persatuan Pengguna Melayu Berjenama Agama, Bangsa, Negara dsbnya please dengar baik-baik.

Ekonomi orang Melayu sangat-sangat bergantung kepada perbelanjaan Kerajaan. Ekonomi bangsa lain seperti China, India, Punjabi tidak lah bergantung sangat kepada perbelanjaan Kerajaan.

Tanpa perbelanjaan Kerajaan, ekonomi orang Melayu akan hilang sama sekali. Ini termasuk orang Melayu kaya raya duduk rumah banglo di Bukit Damansara sampai ke Penjawat Awam gred peon dan kerani, sampai  kesemua kontraktor-kontraktor Melayu. 

Jadi Tuan-Tuan mesti faham membuat kira-kira simple seperti yang di atas. The numbers do not add up. Bila kita kira-kira balik, jumlah-jumlah berpuluh juta, beratus juta dan berbillion Ringgit itu tak masuk akal.

Depa kata sabsidi minyak masak RM4 Billion? Tetapi ikut penganalisa sabsidi sebenarnya RM4.7 Juta saja.  Jadi ke mana pergi baki RM4 Billion itu?

Repair stadium RM787 JUTA?? China buat stadium gergasi baru RM680 JUTA sahaja.

Ke mana pergi duit lebih itu?

This is your money. Our money lah. Kalau duit Tuan-Tuan boleh bocor, lari ke sini dan laro ke sana, maka orang Melayu bukan saja akan miskin dulu tetapi orang Melayu akan kekal miskin.

Dan yang tipu duit Melayu ini adalah Melayu juga. Itu yang sedih sekali. Bangsa sendiri rela menipu bangsanya.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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