
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

MUST WATCH : 11 Other Countries On The Brink Of Collapse.

 Must watch. This is only a 9 minute video. This video only mentions nine countries. Two more are Sudan and Nigeria.


My Comments :

So 1.2 Billion people live in perfect storm nations. This actually means morally poor societies with little or no value system. 

Where mothers and fathers bring up their children to become corrupt, cruel and inhuman citizens. Yes it is the fault of the mothers and the fathers. 

Tomorrow's thieves, tomorrow's corrupt politicians and tomorrow's lying religious leaders are your children playing around your houses today and attending your schools. That is  where these monsters are manufactured - inside your homes, inside your schools and inside your places of worship. Where else do these satans come from? They dont fall from the sky. They crawl out of your homes.

Pakistan has no chance. What do they produce? What do they manufacture? What can they do with their hands that will make life easy for a housewife in another continent? But there is plenty of hate in Pakistan. Everyone hates everyone else.

The Chinese manufacture refrigerators which are exported all over the world. Refrigerators have saved billions of lives and stopped the spread of disease simply because they help preserve food from going bad. 

Since the Chinese think about manufacturing useful products for the benefit of their fellow human beings all over the world, their country is also getting richer.

The countries on this list above are the stupid countries. The people there love to hate each other - for no good reason.

They believe firmly in really stupid values like superiority of religion, race, caste, language, tribe, sect. They are a stupid people. 

They thrive on hatred. The moment they wake up in the morning the first thought inside their heads is 'Who shall I hate today?'

The dumbest satans are those who say 'But my god told me to hate you'.

If your god said that then your god is an idiot. You are an idiot worshipper.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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