
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, July 2, 2022

THE WITCHES BREW : That Fellow's Mathematics Tak Betul


That fellow said he already had the support of 120 MPs to become Prime Minister - including Najib and Zahid. 

To become PM he only needed 112 MPs (simple majority from 222 MPs).

Then he says that Najib and Zahid made their support conditional - when he became PM he must drop all the criminal prosecution cases against Najib and Zahid.

The fellow said he could not agree to this condition because he believed in the independence of the judiciary. So because of this Najib and Zahid pulled out their support for him. This means he was now down to 118 MPs only who supported him for Prime Minister.

But there is something not right here. 

If Najib and Zahid pulled out their TWO Parliamentary seat support for him, he should still become the PM because he had 118 MPs left. You only need 112 MPs to become PM. He already had 118 MPs - even minus Najib and Zahid. That is still a big majority.

So why didnt he become the PM?

And if he already had 118 MPs, how could Zahid and Najib impose any more extra conditions for their support? Since 118 MPs is already a solid majority it would be foolish of Zahid and Najib to offer two more seats but  make it conditional upon all criminal prosecutions against them being dropped.

So you see his statements do not tally. As usual he is bullshitting.

The other point is why is he only talking about this now? After FOUR years? If he did not want to interfere in the judiciary then why didnt he reveal this information immediately as soon as it happened at that time? Why wait FOUR years?

By any measure, the deal that he was being offered, drop all criminal prosecutions in exchange for political suppport to become PM was itself a crime. 

It was another criminal offence.

In all countries including Malaysia it is the duty of every citizen to report a crime. Whenever you witness a crime, see a crime or hear a crime being committed then you must report the crime. In Malaysia:

a. when you are legally bound to give information about the crime but you purposely refuse to do so, you can be charged with “intentional omission, by a person bound to inform, to give information of an offence” under section 202 of the Penal Code.

b. Duty to report bribery transactions (section 25 of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009)

c.  Criminal Procedure Code (‘the CPC’). Section 13 of the CPC imposes a duty on the public to give information about certain crimes that we are aware of.

So you must report a crime.

If Zahid and Najib did offer to give their support for him to become PM in exchange for all criminal charges against them being dropped then that was a serious crime and he  should have reported it. 

in fact since there are no statutory limitations on criminal offences and since he has already made this known to the public now, then he should still go and make a Police report.  

Conversely Najib and/or Zahid should sue him for slander for accusing them of committing a crime.

But it looks like this particular version of Pandora's Box is filled to over flowing with a nasty witches' brew which even the witches are afraid to stir up. Its too toxic.

And so Tuan-Tuan for those of you who still support him, this is your choice when you next go to the polling booths - while riding on your broom sticks. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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