
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Tun Daim, Tan Sri Muhyiddin, H20, Tok Mat Do Not Ignore Mr Lim Kit Siang's Olive Branch To Umno. Some Suggestions To DAP

 Here is a very interesting expression of outreach by Mr Lim Kit Siang yesterday.


MP SPEAKS | I can work with Najib, but he must condemn 1MDB scandal
Lim Kit Siang
Published:  Jul 18, 2022 



  • In my six decades of political life, I have always been guided by the view that human personalities must not be seen in pure black and white but in different shades of grey.
  • There are no angels among men and women but it is wrong to see anyone as the very embodiment of evil.
  • Every person has good and bad impulses and the judgement of a human character is whether the good impulses overwhelm the bad impulses.
  • Every person is capable of change for the better.

I am for instance prepared to work with Najib for the good of the country, not for a portion of the 1MDB riches, but first of all he must condemn the 1MDB scandal and declare his stand against Malaysia becoming a kleptocracy. Is Najib prepared to do so?

OSTB : All 'legal' indications thus far point towards Najib going to jail. It is unlikely his very lame appeals will succeed at the Federal Court. This will happen soon enough - perhaps by late August or September. Mr Lim knows this. So this suggestion by Mr Lim is actually aimed at UMNO and not Najib. Replace 'Najib' with Umno and read the above two paragraphs again.

AG's confirmation JoLo attempted to reach RM1.5b settlement with govt over 1MDB  is final evidence that the 1MDB scandal exists and is not a fairy tale.

OSTB : Yes. And this does make that short legged fool of an AG look the idiot for absolving Najib of all wrong doing in 1MDB. 

  • Finance Minister told Parliament 1MDB debts RM32.3b principal, RM6.5b interest.
  • MACC Chief said total assets returned to government RM5.1b 
  • Jho Low’s RM1.5 billion offer to settle 1MDB charges most laughable 
  • Will Najib be responsible for 96% of RM38.8b 1MDB principal and interest?

OSTB : WE do not know the full amount JoLo has stolen. Dont forget the 1MDB theft began much earlier when it was known as the TIA. How much was actually stolen? RM40b? RM50b? RM70b? We dont know. Lets say the amount stolen was RM50b. Lets average it out to 2012. So 10 years have gone by. If JoLo has invested that RM50b at say 5% rturn a year for the past 10 years, he has already earned another RM2.5 billion every year for 10 years. That is an extra RM25 BILLION. All that money also belongs to us.

But there are also two other public interest questions: the propriety of the former AG acting for Jho Low when he should be prosecuting Jho Low for the 1MDB offences when he was AG; and secondly, the propriety of the present AG dealing with Jho Low for the measly RM1.5 billion offer.

OSTB : It is a waste of time to talk about propriety. It would be interesting to know how much JoLo is willing to pay the former AG to represent him?

people rightly disappointed by inability of Pakatan Harapan to reset nation-building 

OSTB : Yes Mr Lim. Dr Mahathir messed it up. But the DAP is not blameless either.

The challenge for Malaysians is whether they can unite for another chance to reset nation-building policies and directions in the 15th general election, whether held this year or next.

LIM KIT SIANG is the Iskandar Puteri MP.

My Comments : 

Indeed this is an olive branch being extended by Mr Lim Kit Siang to reach out to UMNO. Not Najib. Najib is past tense. I hope UMNO will have better sense. Grab this opportunity. It is a fantastic opportunity to reset Malaysia. All is not lost yet.

The crux of this possibility is very simply the fact that the DAP is now the single largest political party in Parliament with their 42 seats. 

The DAP should go all out to win as many of the 60 seats which they traditionally contest in the GE. If the DAP can secure say 50 seats they will determine the future of this country. Which can be a good thing.

The DAP has been thoroughly punished in the Melaka, Johor and Sarawak State elections. The Chinese are unhappy with the DAP's 22 months screw up in Pakatan Harapan. In Penang the DAP has lost significant support among the Chinese.

But that is past. In politics even one week can be a lifetime. Now with Ismail Sabri in office the Chinese people are beginning to panic again. So this is another opportunity for the DAP to really work hard and reach out to the lost Chinese votes and other supporters. 

There is another stronger, very loud (yet extremely silent) statement that Mr Lim Kit Siang is making. By extending his olive branch to "Najib" (aka UMNO) Mr Lim is actually dumping Anwar Ibrahim. Because Anwar is a complete non-starter with UMNO. Plus Mr Lim should know that Anwar Ibrahim hardly attracts 50 people to his ceramah. Listen to his frequent YouTube broadcasts - he gets a few hundred or few thousand hits only. Plus fewer brain dead comments. Anwar Ibrahim never was and never will be. The DAP should move beyond Anwar and it looks like Mr Lim is making this quite clear.  

The DAP should not forget the GPS in Sarawak and the politics in Sabah. The politics of antagonism, head butting and screaming at each other should really come to a stop. We may disagree but let us be friendly. 

As Mr Lim said :

  • human personalities must not be seen in pure black and white but in different shades of grey.
  • There are no angels among men and women but it is wrong to see anyone as the very embodiment of evil.

So reach out in friendship to the GPS, the UMNO Sabah boys and the others. And UMNO in KL. This is the reset that Malaysia needs.

That we can all work together instead of working against each other.

The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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