
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, July 7, 2022

YOURSAY | Malay unity, a sure-to-fail, divisive formula


YOURSAY | ‘Which is why it’s just not working and has not been for years.’

After sultan calls for Malay unity, PAS reminds members to toe the line

Faustus: It would be hilarious to argue seriously that Malay Muslim unity has been cast aside for some five decades.

One can debate the shortcomings in their national leadership given their almost monopoly control of governance all these decades and the present plight of the nation.

One can moan over the lack of enthusiasm and effective engagement of the talents and capacities of the other communities in national development efforts.

One can be concerned about the issues that has gained notoriety nowadays about the skewed distribution of wealth amongst the population in general and within specific communities.

One can seriously worry about certain allegations of abuse of office.

The multiplicity of political parties and posturing within certain categories is perhaps driven by narrow motives other than the overall interests of national development and distribution of development amongst the various communities that constitute this nation.

Minus the rational and reasonable integration of multiculturalism, this lucky nation will continue to be disadvantaged in expressing its full potentials.

Koel: So now this Mat Kilau film is a big thing with the establishment. How are non-Malays and non-Muslims represented in this puerile, semi-factual, semi-fictional story? Is this another movie like Tanda Putera?

The representations in the movie will probably explain which drum is being banged here. And how is this in the interest of Malaysian identity and unity?

Or is this to manipulate the race bogeyman and to represent fellow minority Malaysians as enemies of the state? Are you telling semi-fictional stories to the general public to incite hatred of minorities?

MerdekaMerdekaMerdeka: How is it going to be possible to achieve this illusionary ‘Malay unity’ when PAS has so clearly put it as its “party’s agenda to unite Muslims and cohesion among other ethnic groups”.

This is a sure-to-fail and very divisive formula. Which is why it’s just not working and has not been for years.

You’ve tried the same old same old, forever. Now try working on a united Malaysia. You’ll be amazed where it can take us.

The Analyser: Unity? Who wants more unity when two-thirds of candidates have been brainwashed by religious indoctrination and the other third, by racial authoritarianism?

No one would ever suggest that the Islamic mindset was the basis for a collection of nations with high social and moral values.

What we want is a diversity of thinking elites; unity is a codeword for conformity, compliance and subservience.

Dizzer: We need more Malays to say, “Hey, I don't want to be associated with corruption or sneakiness (Umno); I don't want to be associated with bigotry and stupidity (PAS); I don't want to be associated with racism and incompetence (Bersatu).”

It's the forced and hypocritical goal of unity that's killing the country.

Just A Malaysian: This country is under serious external threat. Global inflation and volatility will toss us into more uncertainty. Imagine, a high percentage of our population cannot survive without subsidies. And our country’s coffers are basically empty and we are in deep debt.

The sultan is right in asking all Malaysians to work together. We need to be strong as a nation.

Picture: Never like the term "Malay unity", "Chinese unity", "Indian unity" or any race unity.

I love ‘Malaysian unity’. Period.

Omar Iz: We, as a country, are missing the many opportunities that are knocking our doors. Instead of grabbing them, we are letting them go to our neighbours - Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore.

If we do not wake up from our narrow-minded slumber, it is we who would be working as labourers in foreign lands. I suppose, this is of the least concern to the power- and money-crazed.

Selangor sultan calls for unity among Malay political leaders

Mazilamani: Religious views and political differences are setting the Malay community apart. Unity among the Malays has sunk to a new low. What the Selangor sultan is saying is perfectly right.

This disunity is causing mistrust among the Malay community and straying them from focusing on what is important and what is good for the country.

Each time the disunity heat level is raised, it is directed at the other races, sending disturbing vibrations among the minority communities.

Frankly, this was not so 50 years ago. My family and I just went a trip to Ipoh to be reconnected with our Malay brothers and sisters we have lost touch. A trustful relationship we had among the communities is now under suspect. As a nation of people, this should not be the case.

There are many open-minded Malays who get along well with other races. They avoid expressing their views for fear of being ostracised by their own community.

The Malay business people who have been successful in their businesses have formidable links with other races. They value the dictum "no man is an island".

The enemies of Malaysians are the bigoted politicians who have the agenda to keep Malaysians divided.

PK5001: The point of the matter is we need good leadership by Malay leaders of integrity supported by capable non-Malay leaders.

Having Malay leaders who are corrupt and incompetent has led us to where we are. I do hope HRH (His Royal Highness) would emphasise this. - Mkini

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