
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Saturday, August 20, 2022

A movement called “Tolak Kerajaan Gagal” (Reject The Failed Government) has launched a nationwide tour to explain the purported failure of Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's administration, ahead of the next general election. Dubbed the Tolak Kerajaan Gagal Tour, its organising secretariat said the group wants to convey to Malaysians, particularly the youth, not to choose the same failed leadership again. "We will hold ceramah and continuous street protests nationwide as well as intensify our explanation on the government's failure via social media so that Malaysians are aware of the importance of not choosing the (same) stupid leaders again. "We also call on Malaysians, especially young people, to be aware that every choice we make affects our future and future generations," its spokesperson Syahmi Shamsudin told the media in Kuala Lumpur today. ADS He said the secretariat will announce details of its programme including its itinerary via social media soon. The group cited the Sheraton Move, the littoral combat ship scandal, and the formation of the Independent Police Conduct Commission as some of the failures of the Ismail Sabri administration. Tolak Kerajaan Gagal spokesperson Syahmi Shamsudin "This is only part of the failure of his government which has a direct impact on millions of Malaysians. "The people have been shown a series of weaknesses and carelessness by those up there. We will embark on aggressive tours to explain to Malaysians that the one who governs now is a leader who fits the criteria of a ‘Jadong’ leader - who is evil, stupid and arrogant - as described by (scholar) Syed Hussein Al-Attas," Syahmi added. ADS The Tolak Kerajaan Gagal movement was formed by the same people behind the Turun movement, consisting of student groups and opposition youth wings. Turun, which planned a protest at the Sogo shopping complex in Kuala Lumpur today to mark the first anniversary of Ismail Sabri's tenure as prime minister, decided to cancel its plan. Muda secretary-general Amir Abd Hadi Muda secretary-general Amir Abd Hadi said the group changed its plan so it could reach out to more people, instead of those only in the capital. "It is better for us to mobilise the campaign nationwide and not just focus in urban areas," he added. Open to all ‘unhappy’ with govt The movement’s secretariat plans to carry out its programme even after the Dewan Rakyat is dissolved and during the general election campaign. "This campaign is not limited to the opposition and civil society only. It is open to any parties, individuals or organisation (who are not happy with the government),” Amir said. Student activists present included International Islamic University Malaysia student union president Aliff Naif, Universiti Malaya student union president Ooi Go Shen and Angkatan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya Amirul Amin. Representatives from Amanah Youth, PKR Youth, and DAP Youth also joined the event.

A movement called “Tolak Kerajaan Gagal” (Reject The Failed Government) has launched a nationwide tour to explain the purported failure of Prime Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob's administration, ahead of the next general election.

Dubbed the Tolak Kerajaan Gagal Tour, its organising secretariat said the group wants to convey to Malaysians, particularly the youth, not to choose the same failed leadership again.

"We will hold ceramah and continuous street protests nationwide as well as intensify our explanation on the government's failure via social media so that Malaysians are aware of the importance of not choosing the (same) stupid leaders again.

"We also call on Malaysians, especially young people, to be aware that every choice we make affects our future and future generations," its spokesperson Syahmi Shamsudin told the media in Kuala Lumpur today.

He said the secretariat will announce details of its programme including its itinerary via social media soon.

The group cited the Sheraton Move, the littoral combat ship scandal, and the formation of the Independent Police Conduct Commission as some of the failures of the Ismail Sabri administration.

Tolak Kerajaan Gagal spokesperson Syahmi Shamsudin

"This is only part of the failure of his government which has a direct impact on millions of Malaysians.

"The people have been shown a series of weaknesses and carelessness by those up there. We will embark on aggressive tours to explain to Malaysians that the one who governs now is a leader who fits the criteria of a ‘Jadong’ leader - who is evil, stupid and arrogant - as described by (scholar) Syed Hussein Al-Attas," Syahmi added.

The Tolak Kerajaan Gagal movement was formed by the same people behind the Turun movement, consisting of student groups and opposition youth wings.

Turun, which planned a protest at the Sogo shopping complex in Kuala Lumpur today to mark the first anniversary of Ismail Sabri's tenure as prime minister, decided to cancel its plan.

Muda secretary-general Amir Abd Hadi

Muda secretary-general Amir Abd Hadi said the group changed its plan so it could reach out to more people, instead of those only in the capital.

"It is better for us to mobilise the campaign nationwide and not just focus in urban areas," he added.

Open to all ‘unhappy’ with govt

The movement’s secretariat plans to carry out its programme even after the Dewan Rakyat is dissolved and during the general election campaign.

"This campaign is not limited to the opposition and civil society only. It is open to any parties, individuals or organisation (who are not happy with the government),” Amir said.

Student activists present included International Islamic University Malaysia student union president Aliff Naif, Universiti Malaya student union president Ooi Go Shen and Angkatan Mahasiswa Universiti Malaya Amirul Amin.

Representatives from Amanah Youth, PKR Youth, and DAP Youth also joined the event. - Mkini

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